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Pain, edema, bruising, skin necrosis just because of the desire to “fit the gun”

Afraid of a short penis, the 85kg man quietly went to a private medical facility to inject silicone. Two months later, he received a bitter conclusion.

MSc. Dr. Nguyen Van Duc, Department of Urological Surgery – Andrology, Saint Paul General Hospital, said that he had received many patients from young people in their 20s to those in their 30s and 40s who were hospitalized because of silicone injections to ‘get up’. life’ ‘little boy’.

Among these, the case of NK patient (30 years old) is quite special. This man is obese with a body weight of up to 85kg. Seeing that his “little boy” kept “falling” inside, afraid of being short, this man went to a private medical facility to inject silicone.

2 months after silicone injection, the patient experienced pain in the penis with bruising. More ominously, each time he had sex, the boy became rebellious, hard to tell… refused to get an erection. Trying so hard to follow the idea is very painful. The pain was increasing day by day, the new patient came to Saint Paul Hospital for treatment.

The patient was admitted to the hospital in a state of edematous ‘little boy’, with necrotic patches of skin on the ‘small penis’. Doctors immediately performed surgery to remove silicone around the penis, scrotum, and base of the penis and reconstruct the skin of the penis for the patient.

Pain, edema, bruising, skin necrosis just because of the desire to “fit the gun”

Recently, the trend of silicone pumps to increase the size of the penis is chosen by many men. Dr. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Lien – head of the department of nephrology, urological surgery and orrology, E Hospital also recently received a male patient who came to the examination with painful genitals, hard erection, bruising, and skin necrosis. The cause is also due to silicone injections to enlarge the penis.

It is known that because his girlfriend criticized his “little boy” for not being big and short, this 32-year-old man decided to go to a private clinic to inject silicone solution into the penis to increase its size.

After the injection, the penis was deformed due to silicone movement, but the patient hesitated, so he did not go to the hospital right away. A few months later, the pain increased, the genitals were bruised, and it was difficult to erect, so he went to the hospital to check.

Through diagnosis, the patient had a serious infection due to the unsatisfactory silicone pump, late arrival at the hospital, and partial skin necrosis. The doctor had to surgically remove the entire implanted silicone patch, at the same time cut off the infected skin and take the skin to reshape the penis.

Dr. Doctor Nguyen Dinh Lien said that many men have the need to “refurbish” their “little boy” to be more confident in front of their partner, prolong their love life or increase their pleasure. However, refurbishing in this way carries many risks.

Because according to Ths. Dr. Nguyen Van Duc, liquid silicone will cause patients to experience the following conditions: pain, erectile dysfunction, difficulty in sexual activities.

More dangerous can cause deformation, even necrosis or infertility if the silicone spreads down to the scrotum, causing the testicles to necrosis. Depending on the location, the injection dose, the number of injections and the silicone injection technique, the reaction can happen fast or slow, severe or mild.

In fact, according to Dr. Lien, there are people who really have problems with size, being small or shorter than usual. Even some others have malformations embedded, or short due to belly fat… Currently, medicine applies many techniques to change the size of the penis such as placing permanent balls, autologous fat injection, silicone pump. ..

These techniques, if carried out at an unsafe facility, will cause infection and pain during sex. Even foreign objects can be left in the vagina of a sexual partner, very dangerous.

Therefore, Dr. Doctor Nguyen Dinh Lien recommends that gentlemen, if you have problems with your “boy” or need to “refurbish” them, you should go to reputable hospitals to get specific advice from doctors before making a decision. perform. Absolutely do not go to clinics, underground cosmetic facilities to pump silicone.

Moreover, sex experts also emphasize, penis size is not the most important thing that determines the quality of sex. The decisive factor in love mainly depends on the ability to have an erection, the time of intercourse, the technique when “in love”, the man’s confidence and the affection between the two.

Even penis size doesn’t affect fertility. It is not the person with a large penis that will have a stronger sex drive as well as a higher sperm count and better sperm quality.

H. Phong

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