Solving people’s frustrations about corruption and waste

Sharing with Tien Phong before the meeting took place, besides the agenda of the meeting, many delegates and experts expressed their wishes, Congress pay more attention and spend more time discussing issues of concern to voters, such as the implementation of programs for economic and social recovery and development; solutions to combat corruption and negativity, especially in the fields of health, land, securities…

Opening the 3rd session, the XV National Assembly: Solving people's frustrations about corruption and waste - Photo 1.

Anti-negativity has extended to the non-state sector, literally no forbidden zones PHOTO: Nhu Y

Accelerate the implementation of the economic and social development program

Mr. TrupoopNh Xuan An, INCUBATEspecialized medical staff INCUBATEmedical staffohRoom and Securityincubatea Quohchoi said: The third meeting took place in the new context that we have controlled the COVID-19 epidemic, and economic and social activities have almost returned to normal. To prepare for this important session, in recent years, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and Committees of the National Assembly have closely coordinated with relevant agencies to finalize reports to submit to the National Assembly.

Opening the 3rd session, the 15th National Assembly: Solving people's frustrations about corruption and waste - Photo 2.

Through contact with voters and through grasping from public opinion, it was found that the issue of great interest to many people was the implementation of the economic and social recovery program. Some of the program’s contents, which were carefully discussed in the past when submitted and discussed by the National Assembly, were very demanding, but so far the implementation still has certain problems, some of which are slow to implement. . The important thing here is how to deploy the program quickly and effectively. If the implementation is slow, it will significantly affect the recovery of socio-economic development.

For example, the rent support package for employees, when we went to the voters, we found that everyone was very interested. Workers have returned to work, life is facing many difficulties due to high prices and commodities, especially petrol, but so far, the support policy has been implemented slowly. The Government, ministries and branches need solutions to accelerate support for workers and reduce difficulties. Besides, the disbursement of public investment capital is still slow. Many large projects require fast implementation to promote economic and social development.

In addition, issues related to the Viet A case, negative cases in the fields of securities, land, and bonds are also issues voters care about and want the National Assembly to discuss and take measures to take. prevent. In particular, one of the issues that many voters are interested in is planning.

During this session, the National Assembly’s Oversight Team will report on the implementation of policies and laws on planning work since the Law on Planning took effect. It can be said that over the past time, besides the positives, the planning work also has many problems, which need to be solved soon to promote economic and social development as well as create favorable conditions for the people. .

Sealing loopholes leads to corruption and negativity

Member of the National Assemblyyesm Van Hoa – REDohng Tower let me know, Before the 3rd session, one of the issues that voters were most concerned about was corruption, wastefulness, and negativity. At any meeting, voters also mentioned the Viet A test kit case.

Opening the 3rd session, the XV National Assembly: Solving people's frustrations about corruption and waste - Photo 3.

Voters said that embezzlement, corruption and wastefulness have not been resolved to the point of view. The authorities handle many cases, but corruption and waste are increasingly unusual signs. People ask the question, where do the authorities find the violation? If you don’t enter, then you will find out immediately.

So where is the cause? Like the Viet A case, there were too many violations, involving many officials in ministries, branches and localities. Therefore, the people wish the National Assembly to thoroughly discuss the state of embezzlement, corruption and wastefulness in order to have solutions to close the gaps in mechanisms and policies, so that cadres cannot be corrupt. Voters also suggested clarifying the responsibilities of relevant ministries and branches.

Interested in discussions to promote land resources

Mr. Nguyenehn Tuc, Member of Doan Chincubate tpoopch Central Committee of the Vietnamese Fatherland Fronteh?t Nam says:

Opening the 3rd session, the 15th National Assembly: Solving people's frustrations about corruption and waste - Photo 4.

At this meeting, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front will have a report summarizing the voters’ recommendations to the National Assembly. It can be said that, in the past time, voters and people have expressed their confidence in the determination of the Party and State, and headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, in the work of building and rectifying the Party, and fighting against the Communist Party of Vietnam. anti-corruption, negative “non-stop, non-stop, no forbidden zone”.

Thanks to the drastic prevention and fight against corruption and negativity, the Party increasingly has a firm belief in the people.

However, besides the important results that have been achieved, voters and people still worry, wonder and worry about many issues. What makes people angry is that the state of corruption and waste from land is still serious. There are many officials colluding with businesses to take advantage of the policy to get rich from land. Land litigation is complicated, meanwhile, land resources have not been used for the right purposes. Recently, the Central Committee discussed and requested amendments and supplements to the 2013 Land Law and related laws to overcome long-standing limitations and weaknesses. Therefore, at this 3rd session, the National Assembly needs to review the law on land to find solutions to close the loopholes and stop land corruption. How can officials not hook up with each other to corrupt and get rich from the land.

Consider investment decisions in many important traffic projects

The third session of the 15th National Assembly (NA) took place on May 23 and is expected to close on June 16. During this session, the National Assembly will consider and approve 5 bills, including: Law on Mobile Police; Law on Cinema (amended); Law on Insurance Business (amended); Law on Emulation and Commendation (amended); Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Intellectual Property; passed the Draft Resolution on piloting the model of organizing labor activities, career guidance and vocational training for inmates outside prison and the Resolution on the 2023 Law and Ordinance Development Program, adjusting the Program on building laws and ordinances in 2022; Resolution on piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies to develop Khanh Hoa province…

The National Assembly also considers and discusses economic, social and state budget reports. Along with that, the National Assembly considers and decides on investment policies for projects, including: Ring Road 4 project in Hanoi capital area; Ring Road 3 project in Ho Chi Minh City; Bien Hoa – Vung Tau Expressway Project; Khanh Hoa – Buon Ma Thuot Expressway Project; Chau Doc – Can Tho – Soc Trang expressway project…

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