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The diamond billionaire forced his son to return home from studying abroad to earn a living, with only old clothes and a few silver coins.

It was thought that he was born to go backwards to reach the finish line, but the only son of the Indian diamond tycoon was “pushed” by his father to society and forced to make a living by his own labor.

Diamond merchant Savji Dholakiya is one of the influential people in the world gem industry. He is the man behind the largest diamond trading and exporting company in India, Hare Krishna Diamond with more than 6,500 employees.

The family has more than enough conditions, generously rewards the house and car employees

Coming from a poor family, Savji had to drop out of school at the age of 13 to help his uncle’s diamond business. Then he started his own business with a small loan. After 10 years of struggling with diamond polishing, he founded Hari Krishna Exports in 1991.

Today, Hari Krishna Exports has more than 6,500 employees engaged in exporting diamond jewelry to more than 70 countries including USA, Belgium, UAE and China. As of 2017, his net worth is estimated at around $38 million.

The diamond billionaire forced his son to return from studying abroad to earn a living, with only old clothes and a few odd silver coins: A harsh but very permeable way of education - Photo 1.

Mr. Savji Dholakiya’s reward for employees. Photo: Internet

For the first time in 2011, Dholakiya made headlines for his generous gifts and bonuses to his employees. In 2015, Hari Krishna Exports of Dholakiya donated 491 cars and 200 apartments to its employees.

Like in previous years, in 2021 Mr. Dholakiya, president of Shri Hari Krishna Exports, announced to donate 600 cars to his employees.

The Indian diamond merchant says family trust, employee welfare and environmental, social and governance values ​​are among his priorities in his billion-dollar business. Nearly 90% of the world’s diamonds are cut and polished in India. Therefore, this is an extremely attractive business opportunity for merchants. However, not everyone can do the same thing as Savji Dholakiya.

A stingy father with his son: There are only 3 “nos” in life.

As a boss with abundant conditions and wealth, Savji Dholakia chose to educate her children in an extremely harsh way.

As soon as his youngest son Dravya Dholakia, who was studying for an MBA from the US, returned from vacation, he asked him to go to a strange city. The purpose of this trip is not to rest or relax but to find a job, earn money and survive for 1 month.

Luggage for the “beloved” boy was nothing but 3 sets of clothes and 7,000 rupees (about 90 USD) and was told to spend this money in case of emergency.

Besides, Mr. Dholakiya also told his son 3 “no”:

– Do not do a job for more than a week.

– Do not reveal that you are the son of a billionaire.

– Do not use cell phones or ask for help from anyone

In this way, the diamond billionaire wants his children to understand the meaning of money in life and how people struggle to get a job and make a living from it. According to him, no prestigious, top university can teach these life skills other than lessons from real life.

Unexpectedly, this warm boy also accepted his father’s challenge and packed his clothes to the new city. This is a completely foreign land and not fluent in the local language. The young man was mentally prepared to face the challenges ahead, but the reality turned out to be much more terrible than he imagined.

The diamond billionaire forced his son to return home from studying abroad to earn a living, with only old clothes and a few odd silver coins: A harsh but very absorbent way of education - Photo 2.

The son of a diamond billionaire has to work many jobs to make a living. Photo: Internet

“The first five days I did not find a job or a suitable place to live. I was disappointed that I was rejected by 60 places. No one knows who I am. That was the time when I understood what failure is and the value of having a job and a source of income for myself,” Dravya shared.

He finally got a job at a bakery. He has to lie to his boss who is a 12th grader from a poor farming family. He also got a job as a phone operator at a switchboard, a job at a shoe store and a fast food restaurant. In 1 month, Dravya Dholakia earned only 60 USD.

He revealed, from childhood to adulthood, I have never had to worry about money, but here I have to manage by all means just to have money to eat. Even every meal, Dholakiya only dares to spend half a dollar to save money. Not to mention, he needs to earn an extra $4 a day to pay for the accommodation.

When the challenge was over, Dravya went back to all the places he used to work and gave gifts to his former colleague. Whether it was a roommate, a security guard, or a photocopy worker, whoever had helped him during that one month had paid off.

The philosophy behind the strange way of raising children

More than anyone else, Dholakia understands the hardships of life as the son of a farmer who learned to trade in diamonds at a young age. A small loan from his uncle gave him the opportunity to turn around.

From the diamond billionaire’s point of view, let your children enjoy the business, introduce them to the business in the way they love. He also emphasized that investing time in education from an early age is essential so that even if they later start a business in another field, the core value remains the same.

This will help him build a career based on passion, a sense of responsibility, not a burden. According to Dholakia, business is really a way of meditation. Business people must be really dedicated and invested.

In fact, not only Dravya has to go out to work, his inner children all have to face difficulties, find work and earn money in a certain period of time.

The diamond billionaire forced his son to return from studying abroad to earn a living, with only old clothes and a few odd silver coins: A harsh but very absorbent way of education - Photo 3.

Being born into a super-rich family gives you a lot of perks. Children of billionaires, and sometimes even the next generation, often receive huge inheritances from their parents.

However, many business tycoons like Bill Gates or Ted Turner do not plan to give all their assets to their children. Instead, they aim to donate their fortune to charities, and want to teach their children the value of hard work.

Yu Guangzhong said in “To the Future You”: No matter how the world changes, the outstanding human qualities are eternal: integrity, courage, and independence.

Teaching children to face life’s difficulties bravely, teaching children to independently take on responsibilities when growing up, teaching children to accept everything is a great gift for children when they grow up. An optimistic heart, precious qualities are the luggage for great people in the world in the future.

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