Life StyleSức Khỏe

Vietnamese people immediately give up 2 mistakes when boiling chicken eggs lest they cause poisoning

Egg is a “superfood” for every family. From just a few eggs, housewives can easily prepare many dishes from fried, braised, boiled… all of which are nutritious and suitable for the taste of both children and the elderly.

Research shows that eggs contain two valuable antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, which prevent eye disorders such as cataracts and macular degeneration.


Eggs contain two valuable antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Boiling eggs seems to be the easiest thing, but not everyone does it right. If you make some of the following mistakes when boiling eggs, you will most likely face danger Food poisoning.

1. Boiled eggs with tea water

Boiled eggs in tea are a Chinese specialty. This dish has a nutty, aromatic flavor. Moreover, boiled eggs in tea also bring the meaning of luck and prosperity. Therefore, many families have followed to prepare this dish at home.

However, this is a very dangerous combination because eggs and tea are two incompatible foods. In tea leaves contain a large amount of tannic acid, when combined with protein in eggs will form a protein compound tannic acid slows down the activity of intestinal peristalsis, prolongs the time of storing stool in the intestine. If you eat too much, you can face constipation, fatigue, even poisoning.


Boiled eggs in tea water are a specialty of the Chinese people.

In addition to the habit of boiling eggs with tea, eating eggs with tea is also not recommended.

2. Boil eggs and leave overnight

Chicken eggs are at the top of the list of foods that should not be left overnight. According to Chinese nutritionist, Truong Tan Y: You should not leave eggs overnight, because it can produce dangerous bacteria such as E.coli…. harming the digestive tract, even causing diarrhea. nausea and vomiting in severe cases.


Chicken eggs are at the top of the list of foods that should not be left overnight.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists chicken eggs as the most likely foods to cause poisoning. Because eggs often contain Salmonella, the bacteria that make you sick. Eating poached eggs overnight can make you infected with Salmonella, signs of diarrhea, vomiting, fever, cramps … food poisoning or intestinal damage.

So what is the best way to boil eggs?

You should boil the egg in enough water to cover the egg. After the water boils, boil the eggs for another 8-10 minutes to cook them thoroughly. Eggs should not be boiled too thoroughly because this will cause the iron and sulfur elements in the eggs to combine, reducing the amount of nutrients that the body can absorb.

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After the water boils, it is necessary to boil the eggs for another 8-10 minutes to cook them thoroughly.

You need to eat eggs immediately after cooking, do not keep eggs or foods made with eggs at room temperature for more than 2 hours or 1 hour if the room temperature is 32 degrees Celsius or hotter.

Note that you should only use eggs within 30 days from the time of purchase, if left for a long time will cause nutrient loss. Eggs are best combined with black beans, bell peppers, vegetables. It is best not to wash eggs before storing them in the refrigerator because this will break the thin film that surrounds the eggshell. This will cause bacteria to attack the inside of the egg and can be harmful to the person who eats it.

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