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Revealing the secrets not all mothers know about breast milk

What does breast milk taste like?

Normally breast milk will have a characteristic light aroma, light sweetness, not too salty or too sweet. When a baby is first born, breast milk at this time (also known as colostrum) is very thick and fragrant, then will begin to dilute over time.

Revealing the secrets not all mothers know about breast milk: Actually, breast milk must have this color to be really good - Photo 1.

Breast milk will have a characteristic light aroma, light sweetness, not too salty or too sweet

Depending on the location of each woman and the diet during breastfeeding, the taste of breast milk will also be different.

In addition, the taste of breast milk will also change to fishy, ​​stronger, and more acidic than the original if it is expressed and left at ambient temperature for a long time. Therefore, if you want to save milk for your baby, you need to know how to store it properly.

Factors affecting the taste of breast milk

Due to the difference in the diet and the body, each woman will have breast milk with a different taste. The original aroma and taste of breast milk will be directly affected by the following foods:

– Strong spices such as garlic, chili, pepper… will change the taste of breast milk.

Canned and processed foods make breast milk salty due to their high sodium content.

– Bananas, cereals, fruits will help the taste of breast milk will be more delicious, the amount of milk is also abundant if the mother eats more of these foods.

Revealing the secrets not all mothers know about breast milk: Actually, breast milk must have this color to be really good - Photo 2.

Spicy spices such as garlic, chili, pepper… will change the taste of breast milk.

Each woman’s body also becomes the cause of the different taste of breast milk, such as:

– Enzyme that digests lipase: If the amount of this substance is high in the mother’s body, it will make the milk after expressing it taste like soap.

– Lactose: When the mother is well-nourished, the concentration of lactose in the blood is high, making breast milk taste sweet.

Is sweet breast milk good?

The taste of normal breast milk will be sweet and pleasant. But if breast milk tastes sweeter than usual because it contains lactose, the higher the amount of lactose, the sweeter it will be, and vice versa.

If you are wondering if sweet breast milk is good for your baby, you can rest assured because breast milk has a sweet taste, nothing to worry about. This reflects that the mother’s health is very good, the diet is full of nutrients, so the new milk has a sweet, thick and delicious taste.

However, mothers should also note that milk should not be too sweet to avoid the child’s lactose overload causing green, foamy, sour-smelling stools.

Salty breast milk should be fed to babies?

High sodium content and a diet rich in foods with strong odors such as pepper, garlic, chili, etc. will make breast milk taste salty.

When breast milk is salty, it can make the baby “criticize” the milk, skip feedings or not take much, leading to hunger, fussiness, nutritional deficiencies and frequent illnesses.

Revealing secrets not all mothers know about breast milk: Actually, breast milk must have this color to be really good - Photo 3.

Processed foods high in sodium will make breast milk taste salty

Therefore, in order for breast milk not to be salty, mothers need to limit their intake of spicy, spicy, and processed foods…, increase their intake of green vegetables, fruits, cool foods, and benefit milk. …

What color breast milk is good?

Normally breast milk is milky white or slightly yellow but will change color with time, time of day and foods the mother eats. Depending on the stage, breast milk will change in both composition and color as follows:

– Colostrum: This is milk at the end of pregnancy and the first few days after giving birth. Because colostrum contains a lot of beta-carotene, light yellow or orange color is common.

– Transition milk: Milk in the next stage of colostrum. At this time, breast milk is more abundant and has a change in color, from yellow to white.

Revealing the secrets not all mothers know about breast milk: Actually, breast milk must have this color to be really good - Photo 4.

Breast milk changes color with time, the time of day, and the foods the mother eats.

– Mature milk: Breast milk for about two weeks postpartum. At this time, the amount of colostrum during the day is usually light green, young green or clear white. However, in later feedings, breast milk darkens and turns white or opaque yellow (last milk).

So it can be seen, what color breast milk is good will depend on each different stage. Yellow, white or light green breast milk is considered normal if it matches the timing as mentioned above.

What do you eat with condensed milk, cool, your child gains weight evenly?

To get a source of quality breast milk for a healthy baby, gain weight evenly, mothers can refer to some of the following foods:

– Carrot: Drinking a cup of carrot juice every morning or adding it to the diet menu will help make breast milk more fragrant and cool, and at the same time help prevent the baby from getting hot and rashes.

– Then: Not only helps the amount of breast milk secrete more, dill also helps the taste of breast milk delicious, stimulates the baby to suckle longer.

– Dandelion leaf juice: According to traditional medicine, dandelion leaves have the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and cooling the liver. In addition, dandelion leaves are very rich in protein and minerals such as calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamins to help thicken breast milk, more nutrients, and help babies gain weight quickly.

– Brown rice water: Brown rice is a food containing many B vitamins and trace elements such as magnesium, sodium… Therefore, brown rice is a reasonable choice for mothers to have a more fragrant and cooler milk source.

Revealing the secrets not all mothers know about breast milk: Actually, breast milk must have this color to be really good - Photo 5.

Spinach soup is a familiar dish of postpartum mothers with many great benefits.

– Vegetables shrinkage: Spinach provides a lot of calcium, protein, phosphorus, fat, iron and vitamins. In addition, spinach also helps to clean the placenta, or the dirty blood remaining after the mother gives birth.

– Pumpkin: Pumpkin contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, is a great solution to make breast milk thicker and more fragrant. So, mom can add pumpkin to the daily diet menu.

With the information in the above article, we hope that mothers have gained more interesting knowledge about the taste of breast milk from which to build a reasonable diet and rest to have an abundant and delicious milk supply for their babies. Wishing all mothers a healthy baby!

Revealing the secrets not all mothers know about breast milk: Actually, breast milk must have this color to be really good - Photo 6. mau-nay-moi-that-su-tot-20220526142832531.chn

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