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Revealing the strange “treasure” under the “Well of Hell” in the Yemen desert

The Oman Cave Exploration Team (OCET) explores the legendary “Well of Hell”. (Video: RTÉ News/YouTube)

Strange Earth “eye” in the desert of Yemen

On the far eastern edge of the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, far from any convenient cities or roads for tourists, there is a dark spot in the desert that looks like a strange giant eye toward up into the air from Earth.

Revealing the strange

Viewed from above, the legendary “Well of Hell” looks like a strange giant eye rising into the air from Earth. (Photo: AFP/Getty)

No matter how strange it looks from above, that giant eye is still a natural phenomenon, a perfect sinkhole known as the Well of Barhout or the “Well of Hell”. hell”). Generations of residents living nearby have long believed that anyone or anything that comes close to this terrifying “Well of Hell” is sucked down with no hope of escaping.

Revealing the strange

A medieval Arabic text that describes a supernatural being known as the Jinns that can change shape in various forms. (Image: Getty)

Local legends say that the “Well of Hell” is a prison for dark spirits, covered in a pungent stench… Tales of demons and supernatural beings are called Jinns or Genies, also passed down among the locals over the centuries. Until now, many people living nearby still do not want to mention the name “Hell’s Well”, even more dare not approach it for fear of bad luck.

Revealing the strange

The Oman Cave Exploration Team (OCET) became the first to discover the legendary “Well of Hell”. (Photo: AFP/Getty)

Despite the scary legends that make many explorers also stay away from “Hell’s Well”, in September 2021 Mr. Mohammed al-Kindi – Professor at the German University of Technology in Oman – joined a team to explore the cave. The Omani Movement (OCET) is determined to be the first to embark on a journey to the bottom, discovering the legendary “Well of Hell”.

Revealing the strange

The OCET expedition team swings down the “Well of Hell”, gliding through breathtaking cave sediments. (Photo: Mohammed al-Kindi)

Mr. Mohammed al-Kindi was one of eight adventurers who swung down the “Well of Hell”, while their other two colleagues stood on top of the intelligent pulley system. The OCET team spent about 4-5 hours exploring “Hell’s Well”, determining: The depth of the well was 367 feet (112m); the opening at the mouth of the well is about 98 feet (3 m) wide, down to the bottom it extends to 380 feet (116 m).

Sparkling strange “treasure” at the bottom of the legendary “Hell’s Well”

Different from the scary things handed down in folklore, the images captured by the OCET expedition team through video show the peaceful scene and unbelievably strange pristine beauty at the bottom of “Hell’s Well”.

Revealing the strange

There are 4 waterfalls 150 feet high (nearly 46m) pouring into the legendary “Hell’s Well”, bringing cool fresh water. (Photo: Mohammed al-Kindi)

Mr. al-Kindi said: “There are countless beautiful cave sediments, including stalagmites, stalactites and even cave pearls glistening beneath the underground waterfalls… At the same time (under the well) there is also a system. its own ecology with toads, snakes, beetles, birds and lizards… The whole experience is quite breathtaking.”

Revealing the strange

The legendary “Well of Hell” bottom is a solid rock foundation. (Photo: AFP)

“Cave pearls are concentric calcium carbonate deposits that form around the nucleus under falling water droplets. These rings have been smoothed by the motion of falling water over thousands of years, forming a beautiful pearl shape. ” – The National News quoted al-Kindi as explaining about the strange “treasure” discovered at the bottom of the legendary “Well of Hell”.

Revealing the strange

Strange, almost transparent snakes (left) and a “treasure” of sparkling green cave pearls (right), found by OCET explorers at the bottom of the legendary “Hell’s Well”. (Photo: Mohammed al-Kindi)

Regarding the rumor that there was a stench coming from the “Well of Hell”, al-Kindi said it was only because some birds fell to the bottom of the pit and died, the corpses of the birds were decomposed, so sometimes there was a bad smell. .

Mr al-Kindi also affirmed that there are no imprisoned evil spirits or supernatural spirits lurking at the bottom of the “Well of Hell” according to legends or rumors. There are also no signs of previous human explorations.

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: danviet.vn – Read the original article here

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