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1 hr 30 min lunch break with normal people eating and sleeping, these familiar CEOs do things that money can’t buy

Through a series of articles about 1 hr 30 min lunch break What the office people will do, temporarily we have clearly divided into 2 groups of people.

At first we temporarily called it the “Basic” group, meaning that during lunch break, of course, we went to eat homemade food brought from home, went out to eat with friends/colleagues and then had a real sleep. followed the biological clock they had built themselves long ago.

The second group is temporarily called “Innovation”, that is, they will map out for themselves different groups of activities from company work, personal work, or developing other skills and interests of themselves.

These two groups basically have no discrimination in terms of age, gender or qualifications,… But after many sharing, we feel in 2nd group almost gathers a fairly large number of characters with a large workload and sometimes being overloaded because there is little time for themselves. More specifically, group leaders/heads of departments and above. That forces them to do more instead of thinking about eating and sleeping in the middle of the day.


What do CEOs, billionaires say about lunch breaks,

As the saying goes: “If you want to sit in a position no one can sit, you have to endure feelings that no one can stand.”

CEO is a position that is always “available”, the job pours down like Dambri waterfall in the rainy season! According to many survey results, CEOs usually work an average of 9.7 hours a day. On weekends they spend 79% of their time working equivalent to 3.9 hours a day, and spend 70% of time working on holidays equivalent to 2.4 hours a day. It can be seen that with the continuous working time from the week to the weekend to the whole day off, CEOs and jobs are two inseparable individuals.

And of course these people can’t let my lunch break go to waste.

Shark Pham Thanh Hung

Shark Pham Thanh Hung is the chairman of the century real estate development and joint stock company CENINVEST, concurrently holding the position of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of CEN Group.

What do CEOs, billionaires say about lunch breaks,

“In the morning, instead of staying up late, I wake up early to read the news, do more research. At noon instead of going to bed. When I go to eat, I watch more, work more. In the afternoon, instead of coming home right after work, I sit back for about 1-2 hours to research related fields. When you get home, instead of spending half an hour on FB, you can read books to absorb a lot of knowledge.”

Shark Thai Van Linh

Thai Van Linh is known as one of the most successful businesswomen today when she has held many important positions since returning home from the CEO of the Vietnam Investment Fund (DFJ VinaCapital), the CEO of the company. shares of Vingroup Ventures to the founder of a number of women’s fashion brands such as Rita Phil.

What do CEOs and billionaires say about lunch breaks,

She once shared that she used her lunch break to get the CEO position of Vina Capitel: “I spent time learning, researching while everyone was playing. In the morning, I wake up earlier to read the news. Instead of going to lunch or taking a nap, I study. After work, I usually stay to work 1-2 hours overtime. In the evening, I will read a book.”

Billionaire Elon Mask

Billionaire Elon Mask (Founder, CEO of SpaceX; CEO, product architect of Tesla) is famous for being a workaholic, he is willing to spend time working in the office instead of resting.

What do CEOs and billionaires say about lunch breaks,

    He once shared: “The lunch break for me is not the time to rest.” He often schedules meetings, often eating within 5 minutes.

    Justin Comparetto

    The president and co-founder of Italian grocery store Just Ryt Foods, Justin Comparetto realized that the lunch break was a good time to chat with employees. He rarely takes a lunch break, but often uses it to work.

    What do CEOs, billionaires say about lunch breaks,

      He once shared: “I use my lunch time to visit all of the employees to get a glimpse of their personal lives, while also checking in on how work is going. This is really helpful because it allows us to address any issues directly.”

      Theo Lee

      According to Lee, CEO and co-founder of Korean packaged food brand Kpop Foods often takes advantage of the lunch break to build and expand relationships. According to him, this is an extremely beneficial way to build a new relationship.

      What do CEOs and billionaires say about lunch breaks,

        Lee shared: “Whether it is a potential investor, business partner, consultant, broker, or even if the person is not related to my industry. I try to meet as many different people at lunch as possible.”

        Shawn Breyer

        Shawn Breyer is the owner of real estate company Breyer Home Buyers based in Georgia. This businessman once shared: “I use my lunch hour as study time.”

        What do CEOs and billionaires say about lunch breaks,

          He uses this time to take an online chemistry class, read a book or simply read an informative article. Breyer said: “I will focus on developing a skill that I need”.


          Success is a process and is a combination of necessary and sufficient conditions, and luck to help you achieve what you want.

          And we humans are not a machine to be able to apply a common formula synchronously. Maybe with Elon Mask, it’s okay for him to spend only 5 minutes eating lunch a day, but for you, it can make your stomach “broken” after only 1 month, won’t you ever successful?

          However, through a series of sharing like this, I realized that “success is never easy”. In addition to their efforts, sometimes they also trade their meals and sleep to be able to do the things they want to be true. So instead of rigidly understanding or applying it, we can “learn in spirit” and observe the positive change this second group of people brings.


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