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Will Johnny Depp win Amber Heard?

After 2 days of deliberation, the judgment of the lawsuit between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has not yet been reached. However, experts say that the advantage is in favor of the 59-year-old actor.

After more than 6 weeks with 24 confrontation sessions, the debate from Johnny Depp and Amber Heard closes on May 27.

At this time, all the attention from the plaintiff, defendant and the public is focused on 7 members of the jury. They are the ones who hold the fate of the actor – star.

After 2 intense working days with a massive amount of evidence, the jury still has not been able to reach a final verdict.

Follow As, The deliberation process of the defamation lawsuit between Depp and Heard will take a long time because a series of conflicting circumstances, testimonies, and witnesses from both sides. However, by the end of the week, the jury must announce the results of the case.

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The jury questioned the question regarding Heard .’s article

During the trial on May 27, Judge Penney Azcarate issued a 37-page general guide to jurors.

The judge said the jury’s identities were kept private for a year due to the critical nature of the case involving the couple. star. Penney Azcarate also emphasized that the jury should consider and consider carefully before making a final decision.

The 37-page document includes analytical documents that guide the jury to a fair and objective conclusion about the case, outline the basis for assessing the reliability of witnesses, analyze the issues the actual subject of the case… according to The Independent.

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Judge Penney Azcarate answers questions from the jury. Photo: Reuters.

At the same time, the document also identifies 7 factors Johnny Depp must prove to win, including: Is Heard the person who directly mentioned Depp in the article; Did Heard intentionally target Depp; Does the opinion imply defamation or refer to anyone other than Depp… In addition, Depp must prove that Heard made a genuine malicious statement in his article.

“If Mr. Depp can’t prove any or more of the seven factors, you’ll know whose side is the winner.”sheet The Independent analysis.

In addition, 7 members of the jury had to complete a list of 42 questions in 8 judgment forms. In which, 24 questions related to Depp’s fight against Heard, the remaining 18 were counter-claims from the actress.

Follow Daily Mailthe jury had to strain their brains to consider the details related to the defamation allegation and the amount of compensation to be paid by the losing party.

If the jury thinks Depp is more trustworthy, they will answer “Have” for questions about whether the actor was smeared. Otherwise, Heard will win.

However, on the second day of deliberation (May 31), the jury was puzzled by a question on the verdict form.

Specifically, a member of the jury asked whether they would consider defamation based on Amber Heard’s entire article on Washington Post 2018, or just by title: “I spoke out against sexual violence and faced the outrage of popular culture.”

Before those present at the trial, Judge Azcarate emphasized: “Based on the title, not the whole article.”

“I think confusion has occurred in this particular question because the statement in question is the title of an article. So I assume they are confused as to what the whole article is about. or title is the statement. Obviously here the title is the statement”Azcarate added.

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The final verdict of the case has not been made yet. Photo: EPA.

The details of the jury’s questioning of the judge have experts and fans questioning whether the balance of the case is leaning in Depp’s or Heard’s favor.

Above New York Post, Texas civil law attorney Katherine Lizardo said it was too early to tell if a jury would determine who would win. However, when it comes to the above question, Lizardo says Depp has an advantage from the jury.

“If they (the jury) are of the opinion that Depp did not sexually abuse his ex-wife, then that claim is defamatory, according to the judgment form.” lawyer said.

Halim Dhanidina, a former California judge and criminal attorney, told The Post that the jury’s questioning showed they were pondering “specific elements of defamation.”

“We can’t predict a jury’s decision based on a single question. But at least, they’re focusing on legal issues and trying to be as fair and objective as possible. This could be. give a slight advantage to the plaintiff or the defendant”Halim Dhanidina said.

The former California judge added: “You don’t know if the jury is in favor of Depp or Heard from just looking at the question. What you do know is that they are focusing on specific elements of defamation.”

Other contents in the judgment form

Follow Daily Mail, the first questions on the judgment form regarding Depp’s allegation against Heard. The first question focused on the actress’s article published in 2018 in the newspaper Washington Post with title “I have spoken out against sexual violence and faced the outrage of popular culture. That has to change.”

If the juror believes the claim is defamatory, seven more questions will go into detail about that position. For example, one question on the form asked whether Heard intentionally defamed Depp. Or can Depp prove that Heard was intentionally defaming.

Follow-up questions asked the jury to focus on several key points from Heard’s article, including the passage: “Two years ago, I became an advocate for domestic violence. I sensed pop culture outrage at women who dared to stand up and speak out about abuse. “.

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The jury is the ones who decide the victory belongs to Depp or Heard. Photo: Getty.

In previous hearings, Depp’s legal team argued that although his name did not appear in the entire article. Song Heard hinted at his ex-husband, causing the actor’s career to be seriously affected.

Returning to the verdict form, many questions were asked to the jury regarding the content of the article. In the end, if they decide Heard smeared her ex-husband, that means she has to pay $50 million. And if not, Depp has to pay his ex-wife $100 million.

The second part of the form contains 18 questions that focus on the counterclaim from Heard. In it, a number of questions mentioned that Adam Waldman – Depp’s former lawyer – answered in an article by Mr. Daily Mail in 2020 with the content that Heard’s side made false allegations of sexual abuse.

Heard’s side said that although Depp did not directly give feedback in the newspaper, Adam Waldman acted according to instructions from the actor.

Like the question for Depp, the jury continued to focus on whether Heard intentionally defamed her husband, thereby reaching a final verdict.

During the trial on May 27, lawyer Benjamin Rottenborn – Heard’s representative – told the jury: “If Heard gets abused even once by Depp, she wins. And we’re not just talking about physical abuse, it includes psychological abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse.”

To support his point, Benjamin Rottenborn said that the jury should look closely at the messages Depp’s side said about domestic violence.

According to Zing

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