Thể thao

The real reason why goalkeeper Van Toan left the field after making a mistake

In the 34th minute, midfielder Ben Davis on the U23 side of Thailand hit a long shot from outside the penalty area. Although the shot was not too dangerous, goalkeeper Van Toan could not catch the ball and let the ball go into the net. The unfortunate goal made U23 Vietnam lose its advantage after taking the lead in the 22nd second.

Immediately after the goal, Van Toan signaled to ask for medical care. The goalkeeper of Vietnam U23 has pointed at his finger, implying that his finger is in pain. Doctor Choi Ju-young entered the field to check on Van Toan’s injury and this doctor immediately signaled for a substitution.

Explaining the real reason why goalkeeper Van Toan left the field after making a mistake - Photo 1.

Van Toan was hurt after catching the ball wrong.

According to television camera angles, Van Toan seems to have suffered from pain in his ring finger and cannot continue to play. The goalkeeper was in a lot of pain. Perhaps, the previous mistake of catching the ball caused Van Toan to misalign his finger because although the force of the ball was not too strong, if the goalkeepers are not careful, catching the ball in the wrong position, leading to injury is perfect. all can happen. Before that, after Van Toan conceded a goal, there were immediately negative comments aimed at this goalkeeper. Since then, there have been “speculations” that he was substituted because of a mistake that led to the goal.

However, in fact, what can be seen on the field, coach Gong Oh-kyun’s decision to substitute Van Chuan for Van Toan simply came from the fact that our number 1 goalkeeper was injured and did not continue to compete. fight.

Explaining the real reason why goalkeeper Van Toan left the field after making a mistake - Photo 2.

Van Toan was in great pain when doctors examined the injury.

As for the fans, perhaps we should give Van Toan some encouragement instead of criticism. Anyway, the AFC U23 Championship is still a playground for young players and unexpected mistakes are possible. The important thing right now is that we should be with the players so that they can get up from the fall and come back stronger.

Back to the match between U23 Vietnam and U23 Thailand, up to the 64th minute, the two teams were still tied with a score of 1-1.

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