Kinh doanhWorld

Nearly 2,000 rescue flights, each bringing in a profit of several billion dong

At the regular Government press conference in May 2022, Lieutenant General To An Xo, Chief of the Office, spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security gave an overview of the results of the investigation of a number of cases and cases in the category of the Steering Committee of the Department of Public Security. anti-corruption, negative central monitoring.

Lieutenant General To An Xo affirmed that all the accused in these cases Viet ATan Hoang Minh, Consular Department – Ministry of Foreign Affairs… all violated the current law and they will certainly be handled by law.

According to the Chief of Office of the Ministry of Public Security, the defendants in these cases are characterized by the fact that many of them are cadres, party members and leaders. These defendants commit crimes by taking advantage of policies for self-seeking purposes, taking advantage of positions and powers when performing official duties, and violating regulations of the head such as bribery and accepting bribes. The accused who are cadres and party members will first be handled according to the party’s regulations, and then will be handled according to the provisions of law.

“In terms of cash flow in cases, this is a very important factor for the investigating agency to find out the nature of the case in these cases,” Lieutenant General To An Xo said, adding, in some cases, When searched, there were suspects in the drawer with more than 10 billion dong.

For example, in the Viet A case with a lot of money, Phan Quoc Viet claimed to make a profit of about 4,000 billion VND and “lubricated” about 800 billion VND – that was the channel for the investigating agency to find out the nature of the case.

Lieutenant General To An Xo added that, under the direction of the Central Steering Committee on anti-corruption and anti-corruption, the police force is concentrating hard to get results soon.

Giving an example to prove the problem of policy profiteering, he said, according to the investigator, each flight “combo” (paid) rescue, minus the cost of going can profit up to several billion dong, which has nearly 2,000 flights.

Or the Viet A case was also caused by taking advantage of the Party and Government’s policies on medical products and preparations to save patients, prevent epidemics or rescue Vietnamese citizens abroad and a number of beneficial officials. policy to make profit.

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