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The specialty is only to treat distinguished guests in Son La, the fish also jumps and makes many people shiver

If you have the opportunity to travel to the Northwest mountains, visitors will not only admire the wonderful scenery of nature but also have the opportunity to enjoy the unique specialties of this land. The most curious people can mention the jumping fish salad – a horror dish but equally attractive.

The reason why this dish is named is “jumping fish salad” because the person enjoying it will eat it while the fish is still alive and guaranteed to have to jump. Also because the fish is still alive, many visitors are sure to be wary of this dish for the first time.

Specialty just to treat precious guests in Son La, the fish also jumps and makes many people shiver - 1

The first special feature is that this dish must be prepared and eaten at the table. Therefore, the raw materials must be selected very carefully. Fish used to cook “jump fish” must be baby carp raised in natural ponds or caught in source streams, far from residential areas. Do not choose the fish that are too big, but only choose the fish as small as the tip of your finger.

Fish when caught must ensure the criteria are fresh. Drop into a basin of water to be rinsed with clean salt water to remove all dirt. After that, people wash the fish again with lighter salt water carefully to complete.

Specialty just to treat precious guests in Son La, the fish also jumps and makes many people shiver - 3

There are people or families who are more picky, waiting for the season when carp lay eggs. At that time, they will take the fish eggs attached to the water hyacinth flowers in the field. During the entire growth process, the carp only eats rice flowers that fall into the water. This way, the fish will be much cleaner. Until the rice blooms, that is also the time when people will catch fish to process it into a specialty of Son La dancing fish salad.

Jumping fish salad is mixed with spices and a variety of raw vegetables such as fresh banana cores, herbs (coriander, basil, dill, marjoram…). In addition to the basic spices such as fish sauce, salt, main noodles, garlic, and chili, it is indispensable that mac Khen seeds are a special spice of the Thai people. All must be chopped to form a mixture of sour, spicy, strong, sweet and characteristic aroma.

Specialty just to treat precious guests in Son La, the fish also jumps and makes many people shiver - 4

Eating this dish must also be the right way of the Thai people. First, catch a fish, then use a knife to cut the belly, squeeze out all the intestines, quickly put in the mixture of herbs – spices earlier, then use a spoon to scoop the fish and the banana core and sour water to enjoy.

Specialty just to treat precious guests in Son La, the fish also jumps and makes many people shiver - 5

Those who have had the liver to taste the jumping fish salad will agree that this dish has a very unique taste, which is the crisp, sweet taste of fresh fish meat and the spicy taste of garlic, chili, and pangolin on the tip of the tongue. and the strong aroma of macadamia nuts. The spices blend, overpowering the fishy taste of the fish.

Jumping fish salad is considered a specialty dish with unique Thai features in Son La. In particular, this dish is also brought out to treat guests who come to play at home. So if you can overcome your initial fear, don’t forget to taste this dish if you have the opportunity!

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