Kinh doanhWorld

High salary, high stress, even VPBank pioneered to hire experts to deal with stress problems for employees!

A report by the human resources consulting company First Alliances said that finance – banking is still the highest-earning field in Vietnam in 2022. There are positions such as CEO receiving salaries up to 40,000 USD/month, equivalent to nearly 900 million VND/month. With the position of director of retail and businesses, the salary can reach 30,000 USD/month in Ho Chi Minh City, while in Hanoi, the maximum salary is 15,000 USD/month.

However, “high salary big bonus” is probably a shimmering patch that is often painted in the professional picture of bankers.

From 2014 to now, the banking system has been restructured to improve efficiency and competitiveness. At the same time, with the entry of many foreign banks into the financial market, the competition in the banking system is increasingly fierce. In recent years, the race between banks has become increasingly fierce when not only competing for market share in credit and mobilization but also the “war” over Casa, Banca, Credit Cards,…

The growth pressure next year is higher than the previous year, along with the trillion-dollar profit plan and fierce competition in the industry, making the pressure of bank staff increasingly greater. Thereby increasing the level of stress employee work.

The state of stress, also known as “stress” is no longer a strange term in modern life. According to Selye (1956), stress is all wear and tear caused by life, stress not only reduces the quality of life but also gives rise to many diseases.

Mr. Q., a mid-level officer of a large joint-stock commercial bank shared: “In the position of head of the department, the average income is about 60 million VND/month, but working hard with almost no time off. The phone is always available 24/7. Leaders assign anything, regardless of whether they are on sick leave or on leave, they must reply after 2 hours. Covid-19 infection, even being re-infected with Covid-19 in a short time, fatigue, headache, sore throat … but still have to attend enough online meetings. This is not working to live, but working to… die. I decided to quit my job, even though the bank leader encouraged me to stay with some better remuneration“.

Ms. V, a legal officer of a state-owned bank shared: “People outside looking in must think that bank employees are happy to work in magnificent facilities, beautiful uniforms… But only people inside can understand how hard it is. We often encourage each other, try as hard as we can, and quit if we can’t“.

Mr. N, a mid-level officer of another bank, said that due to the particularity of the business department, the level of competition is high, making the working environment “toxic” when colleagues do not support, even ready to use tricks not only behind but right in front.

Although I try to avoid it, I sometimes behave the same way back to my colleagues. My personal transformation for the worse makes me feel the need to stop“, Mr. N. said.

The Navigos Group’s 2022 salary survey, based on the opinions of more than 6,800 people working mainly in 27 industries, said that salary is not among the three most important factors for employee retention.

That is probably the reason why, despite always being in the group of high-income industries in society, the percentage of bank employees who quit every year is not small.

An article in the Journal of Banking Science & Training No. 194 in 2018 by Dr. Nguyen Quoc Nghi specifically studied “The impact of work stress on the work results of bank employees”.

Research data is collected by direct interview method with 253 employees working in the banking system.

Banking career: High salary, high stress, even VPBank pioneered to hire experts to deal with stress problems for employees!  - Photo 3.

The research is carried out on observed variables, including: work pressure, superior pressure, time pressure, income pressure, working conditions with specific problems that many bankers will see his “shadow” in it.

Banking career: High salary, high stress, even VPBank pioneered to hire experts to deal with stress problems for employees!  - Photo 4.

Source: Article published in Banking Science & Training Journal No. 194 by Dr. Nguyen Quoc Nghi

Research results of Dr. Nguyen Quoc Nghi show that work stress has a negative effect on the work results of bank employees. It means, The higher the work stress, the lower the job performance of bank employees and vice versa. Therefore, reducing work stress is a good solution for improving the work results of bank employees.

Similar results have been verified in the studies of Shahu & Gole (2008), Badar (2011), Dang Phuong Kiet (1998).

Recently, the recruitment information of Vietnam Prosperity Commercial Joint Stock Bank has surprised many people when instead of looking for personnel with a degree in economics or law, this bank is looking for personnel with 3 years of experience in the field. field… psychology.

Banking career: High salary, high stress, even VPBank pioneered to hire experts to deal with stress problems for employees!  - Photo 6.


According to the job description, this model Senior Specialist is required to do the work to contribute to the construction of the Human Stress management framework. Specifically:

Firstly, contribute to the development of early identification tools, tools to measure and analyze stress levels of employees.

Second, develop methods to reduce stress and manage psychology and emotions of Managers and employees – individual level.

Third, conduct research on applied psychology in the banking environment and provide an appropriate psychological assessment method.

Fourth, participate in the implementation of analysis reports and assessment of stress levels at individual, unit and whole-row levels.

In addition to the task of developing, implementing, applying, and disseminating the Stress Management Framework in the bank, disseminating and training for management and leadership positions, and tools to identify and measure stress levels. Employee stress…

Although new and seems quite “strange” to workers in Vietnam, the concept of “Human Stress management framework” has been studied and applied for a long time in developed countries. In Vietnam, VPBank’s move can be seen as a new point in the bank’s management thinking, hoping to bring a “new wind” to help “internal resources” to relieve some public pressure. job. nan-stress-cho-nhan-su-20220608101640647.chn

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