Life Style

Husband and wife watch – close the house at 1.9 billion in just 10 minutes: Only 300 million in cash in hand, 12 million in debt each month

Owning the first house before the age of 30 with Phong and Linh (HCMC) is an unforgettable experience. Because, before that, both of them had never intended to “settle down and have a career” because they still found the house to rent convenient – cheap – less financial pressure. However, after only one visit to the house that lasted less than 10 minutes, the couple invited each other to register their marriage to borrow money. buy your first house in life.

Let’s chat with Phong to see what is the factor that makes the couple change their mind and solve the financial problem of buying a house!

Hello Phong,

How much was your first home worth? To buy a house, how do you both prepare and manage your money?

Our house is a 2-bedroom apartment, area 65m2 in Flora Anh Dao area (District 9, Ho Chi Minh City), the purchase price is 1.9 billion.

My wife and I bought a house quite quickly, only about 10 minutes, without looking carefully or asking a broker to take it to many places because we have thought about the requirements of the house and consulted it all.

The house we chose in District 9 sounds far away, but actually going to the center does not take too long because there are highways and open roads. This area also has many residents for a long time, so the surrounding facilities are also adequate. On the other hand, choosing to buy a 2-bedroom apartment will be more convenient for later life if you have more children. Not to mention we have relatives who live here, so we also have some information about infrastructure and security in the area to decide to close the house quickly.

In 2019, when I intend to buy a house, my husband and I only have 300 million in savings after 7 years of working. After closing the house, I was supported by my parents for an additional 200 million, borrowed 400 million from relatives, and borrowed another 1 billion from the bank with a term of 20 years.

The problem of how to have enough money to buy a house has been solved, what about the repayment part?

The current total income of the couple is more than 40 million, the wife’s salary is higher than mine. The money to pay the debt is almost divided into two to pay, I pay the debt to relatives in the form of paying once a year at the end of the year, I plan to pay it in 4 years and then I will continue to pay the bank debt with my wife. As for his wife, she works for a company, has a payroll, so she takes out a bank loan, currently taking on this part of the debt payment. Because of the preferential home loan policy for the first 3 years, my wife currently pays about 11-12 million each month.

In addition to repaying the debt, the couple also try to save at least 7 million/month for plans to have children and repair the house. Okay, after buying a house, my husband and I still live with our parents, rent the house without spending money to make furniture right away and also have a little surplus to make up for debt repayment and savings.

How does it feel to own your first home?

When I was nearly 30 years old myself, I had never thought of buying a house. Partly because his income is not high, he is still single. However, Linh and I at that time loved each other for a long time, so the families of both sides began to encourage them to think about “settling down and settling down” gradually.

Although it does not come from personal intentions and is forced by family, buying a house is the best decision of my life. Thanks to the house, the couple began to re-evaluate the financial picture, making money – saving money more effectively.

Not to mention, in order to make it easy in the process of signing the pink book – borrowing me and Linh must also have a marriage certificate. So as soon as the house was closed, we took each other’s hands to register immediately. 2020 is like my happy year when I have both a wife and a house. When I received the pink book with the names of the two children on it, I felt happy and proud because after many years of working and doing business away from home, I was able to have a small nest.

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The couple chose a 2-bedroom house to facilitate a long-term stable living plan

Buying a house is also a goal of many young people, do you have any advice for them?

A home is a large, expensive asset, but its value is rarely consumed and, with luck, can become an investment property, making a profit. However, because of the great financial value, it will be difficult for young people to own a house right away, so if you want to have a house early, don’t be afraid to borrow money if your finances are stable, think and consider carefully.

If you want to buy a house, you must prepare at least 30 to 40% of the total value of the house before you should borrow it. Banks often give home loans with a term of 15 to 20 years, it is best to choose 20 years, although it feels like the interest after paying off will be higher, but it ensures you are less financially pressured. every month more. In addition, the amount to repay the bank, your loans should only be at a maximum of 30% of your income, so you will not be afraid of fatigue and financial collapse if there is a problem.

An equally important issue that needs careful consideration is legal. To own a house for yourself without having to face the problem of losing money unfairly, crying later on, carefully research the investor and the background of the house. Right from the moment of intending to buy a house, an old apartment with a full pink book has been targeted by the couple. Thanks to the availability of the pink book, the cumbersome and complicated paperwork does not take too much time. In addition, the broker also supports to speed up the progress. We just need to carefully review the purchase and sale contract, terms – interest rate before signing a bank loan.

Other factors about the interior – exterior amenities, if not too important, you can “whether the rice picks up the fish sauce” and omits it.

Photo: NVCC

Husband and wife watch - close a house of 1.9 billion in just 10 minutes: Only 300 million in cash in hand, 12 million in debt each month - Photo 3. tra-no-12-trieu-20220607091941417.chn

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