
Mistakes when using air conditioners in the summer lead to eye strokes, the worst can cause blindness

    What is an eye stroke?

    “Eye stroke” or “eye vascular accident” is also known as retinal blood vessel occlusion, causing the patient to have impaired vision or even permanent vision loss.

    If the blocked blood vessel is an artery, it is called “retinal artery occlusion”. It is an acute disease that causes sudden, painless, severe vision loss or visual impairment, usually in one eye.

    If the blocked blood vessel is a vein, it is called “retinal vein occlusion”, which is a common retinal vascular disease that can cause vision impairment, even blindness due to a stroke.

    Mistakes when using air conditioners in the summer lead to eye strokes, the worst can cause blindness: Pay attention to this to protect eyesight and health - Photo 1.

    Causes of “eye stroke”

      In the hot summer climate, if the indoor air conditioner temperature is too low, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large. When suddenly entering a room with a lot of cold air from the outside will easily cause abnormal vasoconstriction. Not only can it cause a stroke or heart attack, but abnormal vasoconstriction leads to an eye stroke.

      In addition, there are many other factors that can cause eye stroke, mainly including:


      High blood pressure is strongly linked to all strokes, whether in the blood vessels of the brain, heart or eyes. Long-term high blood pressure will lead to endothelial damage. At the same time, substances such as platelets, blood lipids in the blood will be deposited on the damaged vessel wall, forming atheroma. Once the plaque ruptures, the accompanying blood clot can be dislodged to the retinal vessels, causing retinal occlusion and stroke in the eye.

      – Dyslipidemia

      Hyperlipidemia can cause increased blood viscosity, unstable blood rheological index. Lipid deposition in the vascular endothelium can also predispose to thrombosis.


      Toxic substances in tobacco can cause vasoconstriction or vasoconstriction, long-term smoking can even cause blood vessel embolism, leading to eye stroke.


      Increasing age is also one of the risks leading to eye stroke because the elasticity of blood vessels in the elderly decreases and the tube wall gradually hardens. However, in recent years, with the change in people’s living habits and the accelerated pace of life, the incidence of eye stroke is getting younger and younger. Therefore, young people also need to be very careful.

      In addition, some patients may also have an eye stroke during or after open eye surgery due to elevated intraocular pressure and increased intraorbital pressure.

        Recognizing signs of “eye stroke”

      Types of eye strokes vary in severity and symptoms, and depending on the location of the blocked blood vessels, they can be divided into:

      – Retinal artery occlusion

      If the retinal artery is blocked, due to retinal ischemia and hypoxia, vision will be greatly reduced, even completely blind in a short time. This symptom usually occurs in one eye, there is no pain sensation.

      Due to ischemia, the photoreceptors are short-lived and cannot regenerate in the absence of oxygen, resulting in permanent vision loss. Therefore, when retinal artery occlusion occurs, it must be treated promptly.

      Mistakes when using air conditioners in the summer lead to eye strokes, the worst can cause blindness: Pay attention to this to protect eyesight and health - Photo 2.

      – Retinal vein occlusion

      If the damage is mild, there may be no obvious symptoms or only partial vision loss. However, once damage builds up in the macular (macular) area, secondary macular edema leads to impaired central vision, visual distortion, decreased contrast and central dark spots, and symptoms. other.

      Without prompt treatment, the anterior chamber angle and iris can produce new blood vessels. This causes glaucoma and forms an extremely severe form of neovascular glaucoma, eventually leading to blindness.

      Mistakes when using air conditioners in summer lead to eye strokes, the worst can cause blindness: Pay attention to this to protect eyesight and health - Photo 3.

        Method of checking the level of “eye accident”

        Grid Amsler

        Mistakes when using air conditioners in the summer lead to eye strokes, the worst can cause blindness: Pay attention to this to protect eyesight and health - Photo 4.

        Retinal vein occlusion will accumulate to the macula and lead to macular edema. The Amsler diagram, commonly used in ophthalmology, can be used for a preliminary self-assessment of the macular area.

        How to use: Place the form about 30cm from eye level. Cover the left eye, use the right eye to observe the black dots on the form, then examine the left eye in the same way. If you observe that the square is deformed, you most likely have macular degeneration, which needs to be detected and treated promptly.

        Visual field inspection

        The blockage of blood vessels in the retina can cause narrowing of the visual field. Accurate visual field testing needs to be checked in the hospital with a visual field meter, but you can use your hand to do a rough test of visual field coverage at home.

        The visual field of both eyes is usually not less than 160 degrees, and visual field testing can give you a simple idea of ​​your visual field.

        Note: If you experience symptoms such as decreased vision, distorted vision, narrowed field of view, do not rush to conclude that you are having an eye stroke. Many diseases can also appear with similar symptoms such as optic nerve atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, extensive retinal choroidal damage, .. Need to go to the hospital for further examination to clarify your eye condition. .

        Notes on eye protection in summer

          Low air humidity causes dry eyes

          In the hot summer, people often choose to stay in air-conditioned rooms. However, if you stay in a closed room for too long, the air is not circulated, and the humidity is reduced, the eyes will be easily dry and tired.

          Therefore, to have healthy eyes, it is necessary to pay attention to open the windows and ventilate, avoid staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time, do not let the air conditioner blow directly on the face.

          Mistakes when using air conditioners in the summer lead to eye strokes, the worst can cause blindness: Pay attention to this to protect eyesight and health - Photo 5.

          Eye infections caused by swimming

          Summer is also a good time to go swimming. However, if the water in the pool is contaminated and there is no effective eye protection, there is a high risk of acute bacterial or viral conjunctivitis.

          In case of severe conjunctival congestion and edema, increased eye discharge and other symptoms after swimming, wash your eyes with clean water and immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

          Mistakes when using air conditioners in the summer lead to eye strokes, the worst can cause blindness: Pay attention to this to protect eyesight and health - Photo 6.

          Avoid exposing your eyes too much to the sun

          Summer is the hottest time of the year. In addition to sun protection for the skin, the eyes are also the part that needs to be carefully protected when going out.

          Sunlight contains shortwave blue light which is harmful to human eyes. Long-term exposure to large amounts of short-wave blue light can damage the macula of the eye. Therefore, you can wear sunglasses outdoors, while trying to avoid looking directly at the sun.

          Mistakes when using air conditioners in summer lead to eye strokes, the worst can cause blindness: Pay attention to this to protect eyesight and health - Photo 7.

          According to Ablouwang


          According to Thien An

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