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What is a business combination?, Types, Pros and Cons, and the Meaning

Business mergers and consolidation—when two or more businesses combine to form one—are growing in popularity as a result of the economy’s constant change. Many business owners view these improvements as game-changers that could empower small businesses and reshape market competition. Information on what is a business combination, forms, pros and cons and meaning is provided below.

1. What is a business combination?

The word “business combination” describes the joining of various business divisions or firms into a single, larger entity. A legal method called a business combination is frequently used to increase operational effectiveness by eliminating unnecessary staff and procedures. Business combinations, which are frequently linked to mergers and acquisitions (M&A), can result in long-term cost savings and increased market share, regardless of how expensive and difficult they may be in the short term.

What is a business combination?

Business combinations come in a variety of forms, such as statutory combinations and variable-interest legal entities.

When two or more businesses combine to form one, it is considered to have occurred. Business combinations, also referred to as consolidations, are frequently linked to M&A operations. This typically occurs when a number of comparable, smaller firms join together to create a new, larger legal organization. Most of the time, after being absorbed by the buyer, the smaller entities vanish.

The most drastic approach is to combine various businesses or business units into a brand-new corporation. If one of the incorporated companies goes bankrupt, this might be a pricey prospect. The price of developing a new brand may increase as a result of this approach. But organizations that want to streamline their operations have other options, such as integrating smaller activities into an already-existing business that won’t be dismantled.

The reasons behind the merger varied, and there were many. These include but are not limited to:

– Operational efficiency

– Eliminate competition for customers and/or resources

– Reach and expand to new markets

– Improvements and new products

– Cheaper financing options for larger businesses

– Shared activity

– Increase revenue

Businesses cannot and should not take the choice to merge lightly, regardless of the motivation. There are other factors to take into account in addition to the substantial expenditures connected with merging. Executives and other important individuals, for instance, must address shareholder concerns, decide what to do about workforce overcapacity, decide whether or not to sell assets, and decide how to advertise and position the new firm once the process is complete.

2. Forms of business combination: 

There are various forms of business combinations, just like there are various company types. Everything depends on the plan, the goal, and the character of the firms involved.

Forms of business combination

Statutory Consolidation: The old businesses vanish when they are merged into a new organization. They combine them to form a new, more powerful corporation. As a result, merger is typically used to accomplish statutory consolidation.

Statutory Consolidation in Bankruptcy: In this type of business merger, the acquiring party sells the target’s assets. Following this, the buyer will either integrate or disassemble the target company’s operations. In contrast to statutory consolidation, the acquiring business keeps going while the acquired legal entity is dissolved.

Share buybacks: This is a group of commercial actions in which one acquiring company buys the majority of the stock or control of another business. The purchase side must acquire more than 50% of the target in order for it to be a majority stake. Both businesses are real.

Variable Interest Entity: A variable interest entity is a newly acquired legal entity that holds a majority-voting-based controlling interest in a business. Typically, these organizations are set up as specialized vehicles (SPVs).

3. Advantages and disadvantages of business combinations:


As was already said, merging companies or business units into one bigger organization frequently boosts the profitability of the new corporation. It can thereby reduce expenses while raising revenue. Additionally, the new business can leverage its larger scale to negotiate better terms with its suppliers. That’s due to the likelihood of purchasing additional units to satisfy a greater customer base.

It could be difficult for newer, smaller, or struggling enterprises to get funding to expand. However, integrated enterprises may find it simpler and frequently more affordable to secure funding. This is especially true if the new company is more reliable, successful, or has more assets available for use as security.

Combining businesses can result in a concentration of market share, expanded product ranges, a more expansive geographic footprint, and a larger client base.

Advantages and disadvantages of business combinations


Organizations that incorporate must deal with cultural variations between organizations. For instance, merging a tiny startup with an established technological business can result in the transfer of knowledge, expertise, and skills, but it can also cause friction. The management of the old firm might feel more at ease with the rigid corporate hierarchy, whereas the startup might prefer less administrative control over activities.

Some companies can find that their synergies make consolidation a good fit. However, if one or the other has excessive debt, this could backfire. Consolidation can therefore result in the new business having more debt. If unresolved, it may be challenging for the management of the business and eventually its shareholders if the business is publicly traded.

Combining businesses can reduce costs and boost revenue, but it has a detrimental effect on the economy. That’s because it frequently causes a workforce shortage, which frequently results in layoffs and unemployment, albeit rarely on a large scale.

4. Meaning of business combination:

Cost reduction: By consolidating business activities, unnecessary employees and administrative tasks are eliminated and operational redundancy is reduced. Because of this, operating and capital expenses are decreased, increasing profitability. For instance, when airlines merge, maintenance facilities are consolidated, which maximizes the use of both facility space and maintenance personnel. Business processes are routinely altered and new systems are put in place during consolidation to increase their efficiency. When two airlines join, the purchasing of goods and services can be centralized, allowing the combined business to have a uniform pricing strategy.

Increase revenue: The company grows organically or through acquisitions. By acquiring another business, one can grow to be big enough to service clients on a regional or global scale. This kind of organizational consolidation broadens the company’s market, which may enhance sales and profits. The option to extend the company’s area of business is also presented by the larger market, and this could result in more sales and profits for the company.

Attract collaborations: One of the ways a business might become a market leader is through business mergers. Businesses that operate on a wider scale can build regional or national brands and have more clout in the market. A business reduces the number of its rivals when it buys one of them. Additionally, fewer people use the providers in the business. In turn, this offers the corporation that is consolidating more clout to negotiate better terms with suppliers.


The above is the relevant information about what is a business combination. Hope the article has brought useful information to readers. Good luck.

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