
Sleep late, not because of a lot of things to do, but because of inability to deal with your own anxiety and loneliness!


I don’t like seeing employees still sitting in front of their computers half an hour after work, and I don’t like employees calling me to talk about work after 10pm. This makes me feel like a failure: the boss can’t let the employee leave work on time, which shows that the work arrangement is not reasonable. And the people who still think about work at night make me more worried, it’s late but still working, will they have enough energy and spirit to go to work tomorrow or not?

Frequently asked if writers stay up late to compose, in response to this question, the famous Japanese writer Haruki Murakami answered in “My job as a novelist.” that: after waking up in the morning, making coffee, working for four or five hours and writing four thousand words a day. He emphasizes that “regularity means a lot when you do a certain long-term job”.

Yu Hua, a famous Chinese writer, also shared that he never stayed up late to write, but only occasionally stayed up late to watch football as a reward for his somewhat monotonous work. From his first day as a writer, he made a rule for himself: once you leave your desk, you won’t think about what else to write.

If you dig deeper, you will find that the more successful people are, the more they know the importance of living rules and a healthy sleep. Right from the start of their start-up or work, they often set rules for themselves, like a sophisticated tool, work when to do, sleep when to sleep, refuse when to refuse, don’t waste your sleeping time on useless things, don’t worry about tomorrow before going to bed.

20 years old staying up late, 40 years old holding grudges: Sleeping late, not because of many things to do, but because of inability to deal with anxiety and loneliness!  - Photo 1.


I know a very lively girl, she often posts status on her personal page at 2am or 3am. Some people say that it’s not healthy, but she replied that she doesn’t want the “length” of life, just the “width” of life. It sounds like a lot of fire, but after looking back, the so-called “life width” is just the width of her personal page.

The length of life determines the breadth of life. No matter how talented you are, without health everything is nothing.

Time is the final boss, no matter how talented people are, until the end, what they need is also a life.

My ex-boss told me a story about “investing in yourself”. At that time, a friend of his was working for a big newspaper in the city, although he was still renting a house with other people, he still gritted his teeth to invest in a few clothes. brand. At that time, each article only earned more than 100 hundred thousand, while the shirts cost millions of dong. After borrowing money to buy that shirt, the boss’s friend started staying up later every day to write. Finally, after paying off all the money, it left him with an unforgettable “gift”, which was a nervous breakdown.

“Every time I see him wearing designer shirts to attend parties, interviewing many characters I can’t interview, at night, he stays up all night writing articles, smoking, during the day. I drink a bunch of vitamins with coffee to keep my spirits up, but I feel like it’s a loss of money…”

It wasn’t until later that I realized that there are people who go to bed late, often not because they have a lot of work to do but because they are powerless to deal with their own anxiety and loneliness.

Only sleeping 4 hours a day, working to 70 and living to 90, that’s a myth, not a life. Ordinary people like us, the best investment in ourselves is to go to bed at 10pm and get up at 6am.

20 years old staying up late, 40 years old holding grudges: Sleeping late, not because of many things to do, but because of inability to deal with anxiety and loneliness!  - Photo 2.


Each person’s time can be divided into three categories: time consumed, time wasted and time invested:

Consumption time is mandatory time, used to eat, sleep, travel…

Wasted time is time spent on anger, complaints, and unworthy things.

Time investment is using time to extend your life, while accumulating experience and knowledge.

Consumable time, when used properly, can turn into high-quality investment, and if used improperly, it can turn into a waste of low-quality time.

If you can chew slowly while you eat, experience the richness of rice and vegetables, devote a full 20 minutes to that process, that time is not only consumption but also investment, because what you harvest It is happiness, relaxation, health and energy.

If you can fall asleep at the best time to sleep, you will be reborn full of energy the next day, and every day will be a new person, your sleep time will also change from used for investment.

Use your time with quality, every minute is an investment in yourself.

20 years old staying up late, 40 years old holding grudges: Sleeping late, not because of many things to do, but because of inability to deal with anxiety and loneliness!  - Photo 3.


A data from the National Cancer Center of China shows that if in 2000, 40 out of every 100,000 young people aged 20 to 30 had cancer, by 2013, this number had increased to 80%. . Many of us always think that cancer is far away, but only you personally know, how hard you are trying.

Tired every day, can’t sleep at night, has no spirit during the day, the more you rest, the more tired you become. You want to look energetic, like a promising young man and a successful person, so you buy lipsticks, creams, expensive handbags, go to parties you didn’t know you had. What can you do, turn every day into a performance, until the night, the brain doesn’t seem to be able to stop.

This is a portrait of a section of urban youth. If you’re in it, I recommend starting your best long-term investment today: getting a good night’s sleep.

Even in a rented house, you should also buy yourself a soft mattress, with moderate firmness, with a soft cotton blanket and a pillow scented with lavender essential oil.

Try to arrange meals at noon, eat lightly in the evening, and relax after a meal.

After nine o’clock at night, before going to bed, you can take a hot bath, read a book, listen to music, put on a mask, or do a little gentle exercise, you can also drink a little red wine. You can go to Facebook to review what you missed tomorrow morning, like or comment the next day, it’s never too late.

A friend told me that she added sleep problems during her company job interview.

“What time do you go to bed every night, what do you do before you go to bed, and how long does it take on average to fall asleep?”

I ask what is the purpose of this question? She said: “Not staying up late has become the most difficult self-discipline of our time. Young people who can sleep properly are the potential ones.”

Gently go to bed, slowly fall asleep, don’t stay up late, don’t waste sleep, if you do, then congratulations, you are the best investor, and you are ahead of most other young people! in-service-departure-lo-lang-vanoi-co-don-cua-chinh-minh-2022042517011474.chn

Thien Vy

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