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The importance of checking tire pressure

When subjected to daily wear and tear while driving, the tires will be greatly stretched. Since these are the direct contact points of the vehicle with the road, it is essential to take good care of them. Drivers should check tire pressure regularly, as it is one of the very important parameters when taking care of tires. Riding on tires that are set to the incorrect pressure, or have lost pressure due to a leak, significantly affects the vehicle’s performance. In particular, the risk of an accident or unexpected breakdown is always present.

The importance of checking tire pressure

How often should tire pressure be checked?

Checking tire pressure is a must on a regular basis. At the very least, drivers should have monthly checks, although experts recommend checking every time you fill up with gas. The best time to check tire pressure is at home while the tires are still cold – or possibly at the nearest gas station. This should be part of your daily car care routine.

If the car has a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), it will be easier for the driver to always be alerted immediately of a loss of pressure. If the tire pressure check light on the dashboard comes on, that’s a clear indication to perform a manual check for what the problem might be. There are other warning signs that car owners should also look out for, including:

Rumbling while driving can indicate that the tires are overinflated.

Slow steering response or feeling difficult to control the vehicle.

It takes longer than usual to come to a complete stop when braking

Fuel economy is not as expected

Tire wear too much on the outer edge of the tire or too much wear in the center (regular tire wear should be more even)

The importance of checking tire pressure

Why is correct tire pressure important?

Checking tire pressure is as small as saving a driver money on their fuel bills at the end of the month, or even avoiding serious consequences like damage to the rim from driving with a flat tire or loss of control over a tire. Over-inflated vehicle.

When the air pressure in the tire is too low, the tire walls lose stiffness and are therefore more prone to bending. The fast movement causes excessive friction, which increases the temperature of the rubber. The result of this is nothing more than a faster tire wear, and can lead to a blowout if the temperature is too high. Cold weather or snow will mitigate this to some extent, but shouldn’t be used as an excuse to drive with low tire pressure.

In fact, if car owners live where the temperature fluctuates greatly, they should check the pressure more often, as this is one of the causes of pressure loss.

The importance of checking tire pressure

An overinflated tire is rarely a serious problem, but over a long period of time, the damage it causes can add up. This is because high-pressure tires have less spikes in contact with the road surface. As a result, the middle part of the tire wears out a lot faster than the rest. Such tires will need to be changed more often, and with less road contact, braking can be affected.

Ways to check tire pressure without a gauge

The importance of checking tire pressure

Obviously, the easiest way is to check the tire pressure system on the car (if applicable). This is usually accessed through the digital console found on the main control panel. However, sometimes car owners also need methods that do not require meters.

Method of visual inspection: When drivers get into the habit of checking their tires, they will find that they have become so familiar with the vehicle that they can tell immediately when the tire pressure is incorrect. The best way to be sure is to park on a flat surface and walk, paying attention to the front and rear to see if any part of the tire protrudes more. Also keep in mind that if the pickup truck or sport utility vehicle has a lot of passengers or cargo, the tires will reduce the weight. Therefore, always check the tire pressure in an idling vehicle.

Manual method: Also, another manual way to check car tire pressure is to use your hands. This requires applying tire force and seeing how it reacts. The previous simultaneous tire hardness test should feel when the tire is inflated to the correct pressure to provide a reference for the assessment.

Check pressure with gauge

The importance of checking tire pressure

The most accurate way to measure tire pressure is to use tools specifically designed for that purpose. For this, the driver will need to know the recommended PSI (pressure unit) for the tyres. Every car and tire has its own PSI range, and drivers can usually find instructions on this in their owner’s manual. For example, an average SUV, like the Toyota RAV4, will be between 32 and 35 PSI.

Also pay attention to the unit of measurement because many countries measure tire pressure in ‘bar’ instead of PSI.

It is paramount for passenger safety and vehicle performance to monitor tire pressure. Loss of traction, inability to brake and poor handling are all possible side effects of improperly inflated tires, not to mention the increased risk of a tire blowout. Checking tire pressure while the tire is still cold, and doing so regularly, will also prolong the life of the tire and ensure safe rides.

The importance of checking tire pressure

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