
The Ministry of Education and Training plans to remove the regulation on teacher ethics ratings

The Ministry has just announced the Draft Circular amending and supplementing Circulars No. 01, 02, 03, 04 issued in 2021 stipulating codes, standards for professional titles and appointment and salary ranking of preschool teachers. popular with some notable new points as follows:

Remove the training certificate

According to the regulations on standards of training and retraining of preschool and high school teachers in each occupational title class (CDNN) in Circular 01 – 04, teachers must have a certificate of vocational training in accordance with the standards of vocational training. each grade and corresponding to the level of study being taught.

The Ministry of Education and Training plans to remove the regulation on teacher ethics ratings - 1

The Ministry of Education and Training is expected to remove regulations on professional ethical standards for each category of teacher training programs.

However, on October 18, 2021, the Government issued a Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles and adjusting regulations on training programs according to the standards of vocational training programs for specialized public employees as follows: each major has 1 program, the maximum implementation time is 6 weeks. Therefore, the regulation that teachers must have training certificates according to CDNN standards for each class in Circulars 01-04 is no longer relevant.

The Ministry of Education and Training will adjust the regulations on training certificates according to the CDN standards, in which there is only 1 training certificate according to the general CDN standards for all classes of teachers. Teachers who already have one of the training certificates according to the standards of the level they are teaching before the new training program (implementation of Decree No. 89/2021/ND-CP) is not required to supplement. additional certificates according to the new regulations.

Newly recruited teachers and teachers who have been appointed but do not have a certificate of training according to CDNN standards appropriate to the level they are teaching will be sent to participate in a refresher course and get a certificate within a specified period of time. to ensure that training and retraining standards are met. When changing from the old CDNN class to the new one, it is not required that teachers have a training certificate according to the standards.

Do not rank teacher ethics

When implementing Circulars 01-04, there are opinions that the division of teacher ethics by class is inappropriate and unnecessary. Because, all teachers of any rank, with more or less seniority, at any educational institution must ensure that there are general standards of professional ethics in general and teacher ethics in particular. Just as social morality is a universal norm, it should be a universal value for everyone, so it should not be split up to mechanically rank each category.

The Ministry of Education and Training is expected to remove the regulations on professional ethics standards for each category of vocational training and add a general code of professional ethics for teachers at all grades.

It is not required that Grade I teachers have a master’s degree

According to the provisions of Circulars 02 and 03, primary and secondary school teachers of grade I must have a master’s degree or higher.

The Ministry of Education and Training has reviewed the regulations on the training qualifications of primary and secondary school teachers on the basis of studying the requirements of the program implementation. Accordingly, the objective of primary education is to form the initial basis for the development of students’ moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and ability; prepare students to continue in middle school. The objective of lower secondary education is to consolidate and develop the outcomes of primary education; ensure that students have a basic general education, the minimum necessary technical and vocational knowledge to continue in high school or a vocational education program. Thus, with the requirement of teaching, providing basic and foundational knowledge, it is not necessary to stipulate that primary and secondary school teachers of grade I must have a master’s degree.

In addition, the draft also introduces new regulations such as: Teachers are paid salaries corresponding to their appointed professional titles. Because in fact, the above circulars implemented by the locality have arisen some problems.

Specifically, preschool teachers who have not yet met the standards of a class II foreign language teacher should be appointed a class III vocational teacher, and have their salary changed from A1 (2,34) to A0 (2,10) public employee. , Circular No. 01 has not specifically guided the salary arrangement in this case.

The Ministry of Education and Training has studied the options for appointment and salary arrangement to overcome the above problems and ensure the principle of fairness between long-time teachers and teachers with less working time when changing salary arrangements on the basis of compliance with regulations. comply with the current provisions of relevant laws. Specifically, the unit is expected to maintain the current regulations that teachers who are appointed with any grade of TVET will be paid according to that rank as current to ensure compliance with the principle of concurrent salary grading, amending and supplementing a number of jobs. content like:

When appointing from the old rank to the new rank, respectively, only 2 criteria are considered: training level and time keeping the adjacent lower rank; does not require teachers to demonstrate other standards.

In case a teacher has not met the standards of the corresponding rank (training level and time keeping the rank), the current salary code and coefficient will be kept unchanged, and the adjacent lower rank will not be appointed.

For high school teachers: keep the third grade for 9 years or more. For preschool teachers: adjust the retention time of Grade III from 9 years to 3 years or more, adjust the retention time of Grade II from 6 years to 9 years or more.

It is expected that the above amendments and supplements will make the appointment and salary arrangement simpler, avoiding the need to ask teachers to provide many unnecessary proofs.

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