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When raising orchids, don’t be too “indulgent”, let it suffer like this, the flowers will be more fragrant

Orchid is a plant that is loved by many people, has elegant leaves, elegant tree shape, fragrant flowers, is known as the king of flowers, has the effect of improving the fortune of the owner.

Many people believe that orchids are fragile flowers, difficult to care for, when raised, they put in all their efforts, but the flowers still do not bloom, the leaves are green and never flower. If the orchid is growing well but it is not flowering, it means there is no big problem, the plant is still growing, it is just not taking care of it properly. In fact, when growing orchids, you can’t be too pampered, but you need to give it a little “crisis” to make it easier for the plant to flower.

When raising orchids, don't be too

1. Water a little less

Water is the source of life, if the orchid lacks water, the leaves will shrivel, unable to carry out the photosynthesis process, which will seriously affect the growth of the orchid. But in life there is a saying called “enough is enough”, this sentence can also be used to water orchids, although the growth of orchids cannot be separated from water, but also not watered too much.

When watering orchids, you need to follow the principle that you have to wait for about 2-3 cm of the soil on the surface of the pot to dry before watering, when watering, you must water it. Make sure to water thoroughly, the soil should be soaked in water. Remember to let the plant experience a little lack of water, so the orchid will be easier to differentiate flower buds and the flowers will be more fragrant.

The reason we need to control the amount of water for orchids in this way is to avoid excess water and root rot, and secondly, to prevent the orchid from overgrowing, that is, the leaves grow wild but do not bloom.

When raising orchids, don't be too

It should be noted that orchids prefer a humid environment, we can water a little properly, but regularly spray water on the leaves and surrounding air to increase humidity to help green leaves better, not dry and sharp. .

2. Not giving enough light

Some orchid growers think orchids, like other flowers, need to be exposed to the sun, but forget that orchids like shade. In a cool place, the plant will keep its freshness, the flowers are always fresh and maintain a longer life.

Avoid placing or hanging orchid pots in places with direct and harsh light because it will burn the leaves and the plant will not live long. If there is too much sun, the plant will easily turn yellow and have many wrinkles. Flowers will bloom early and when the plant is young, the flowers will be short and underdeveloped.

Depending on the age of the orchid, we will have appropriate lighting methods. Some typical orchids are less sun-tolerant such as Phalaenopsis orchids, which can withstand 30% sunlight, Cattleya orchids with about 50% sunlight, and narrow-leaved Vanda orchids that can withstand about 70% sunlight.

When raising orchids, don't be too

Sunlight depends on the stage of development. Young orchids from 0 to 10 months, you only need to light about 50%, orchids younger than 12 months to 18 months can withstand light up to 70% and the time of flowering needs more lighting.

3. Less fertilizer

Although needing nutrients, orchids cannot tolerate high nutrient concentrations, so when providing nutrients for orchids, you should pay attention to providing them regularly and spraying them through the leaves.

Fertilizer for orchids must depend on the growth and development of the plant. While growing plants need high nitrogen, low phosphorus and cali. Before the plant is about to flower, it needs higher phosphorus and cali than low nitrogen. When orchids have bloomed, need high potassium, low phosphorus and nitrogen+.

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