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Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, wakes up at 4:30 am

The family has conditions, allowing many parents to hire more nannies and nannies to help take care of their children. As a result, they have more time for themselves, work and social relationships. After marrying American billionaire – Mr. Don Morris, CEO of an international corporation with 9 branches worldwide, who women Vietnamese origin Mimi Morris automatically became a female millionaire with a huge fortune. She lives in a splendid mansion like a palace worth 800 billion, owns a huge fortune. Even a foreign film studio made a reality TV show about Mimi Morris’s high-class world that overwhelmed many people. However, few people know that Mimi Morris did not hire any nannies but took care of her son by herself for many years.

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 am - 3

Mimi Morris leads an overwhelmingly rich life.

Mimi Morris’s life as a mother surprises many people, because behind her lavish life is the image of a simple woman wholeheartedly devoted to her family. No matter how busy she is, she also cooks, takes care of her children, wakes up at 4:30 a.m. to take care of her small family.

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US palace 800 billion, cooks for her children, gets up from 4:30 am - 4

Family of female billionaire of Vietnamese origin Mimi Morris.

Do not hire a nanny because son has a heart condition

Mimi Morris has a total of 3 children including adopted daughter Hannah (30 years old), eldest son Bi (26 years old) and younger son Skyler (9 years old). Sharing about the decision to have more children at the age of fifties, Mimi said: “I always like to have many children, but in the US raising a child is really not easy. Six years ago, after my two oldest children went to university, I was actually a bit sad, so I decided to have more children.”

Returning to being a nursing mother after many years, Mimi Morris took care of her youngest child by herself, not trusting to hand her over to outsiders, partly because of Skyler’s health condition. The Vietnamese-born female billionaire said that her son with a congenital heart disease had undergone 3 surgeries, he should pay close attention to his nutrition and care. So when the baby was born, she decided to arrange a job to be with him for 3 years. It was not until the children were older that the beautiful people of the 800 billion family had more time for themselves.

“In the past, when I was about to give birth to my youngest child, I also had someone to help me. But I was a difficult person and Skyler had a congenital heart condition, so I did not feel secure letting someone else take care of my child. Therefore, I did not continue to hire. “. Mimi Morris confided.

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 am - 5:00 pm

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 a.m. - 6 p.m

Because her youngest son has a heart condition, Mimi Morris decided to take care of the child herself, spending 3 years staying up at night with the boy.

Different from the gorgeous images posted on social networks in gorgeous outfits, attending luxurious parties, and pairing with many famous people, Mimi Morris asserts that she has a very simple motherhood life. The billionaire woman said: “Many people see my pictures on social media as beautiful, thinking that I always look like a princess when I’m at home, but I’m not. Sometimes I take a few pictures to post on Instagram and then return to my position of being a wife and mother. In real life, I’m very simple, don’t make-up, work hard, have a very busy life, I can work with 10 people combined and so can my husband.

In the morning, my husband gets up at 4 am to prepare to leave the house at 5 am. Therefore, around 4:30 am, I will get up, grind vegetables and fruits to make a smoothie breakfast for you and your children. Then, around 6 or 6:15, my youngest son – Skyler – wakes up and I feed him breakfast and drive him to school. In general, I am the person who takes care of the whole family because I am very careful.”

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, wakes up from 4:30 am - 7:00 pm

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m

Mimi Morris always appears chic on social networks.

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 am to 9 am

However, in her daily life, she is extremely simple, taking care of her children with her own hands.

The mother of three personally goes to the kitchen to cook for the whole family, considering it a passion. The members love the delicious food the billionaire cooks, so eating at home is the main thing, only going out to eat on weekends. Mimi Morris focuses on nutrition, often combining healthy Asian and European dishes, limiting fried foods.

Teach your children to be independent, to share

Mimi Morris does not deny her son was born from the finish line. That is also what makes her worry a lot about the education of her children. The mother of three children confided: “Skyler was born at the finish line, has everything, the love of everyone in the family is poured into him. So what I am worried about is that he does not know how to share with others. At home, all toys belong to me, so I’m afraid that when I go out, I don’t know how to give in and share with friends.To avoid this, I always tell my child: “You must know how to share with friends. “At present, Skyler is very kind, knows how to share and give in to everyone, you are like I have a bunch of brothers.”

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 am - 10

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 am to 11 am

Skyler has a kind heart, knows how to share and give in.

Besides teaching her children to share and yield, Mimi Morris also upholds discipline and self-discipline. “For me, housework is something that children need to do, a duty and responsibility of each member of the family, not children do to receive rewards. I never thought of a way to bring money to negotiate with my children. Wallet For example, when you go out, you must know how to close and lock the door. After cooking, you must know how to clean up.” female billionaire shares.

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice and takes care of her children, gets up from 4:30 am - 12 noon

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 a.m. to 13

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, gets up from 4:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m

Even the youngest Skyler is very disciplined, being educated by his mother to be both strict and soft. Mimi Morris uses psychological tactics to teach her children. She recounted: “Even though Skyler is young, I also build self-discipline for him. That is, he must know how to clean his desk, eat clean, know how to do homework and take care of himself. However, at In the morning, sometimes Skyler is still “wow, oil wallet”, slow so I have to remind him to wear socks and shoes so that he won’t be late for class. know how to use psychological tactics.

I said to Skyler: “Do you know how to raise children, mom must be very hard. She has to get up early to take care of dad eating, working, then going back to taking care of me going to school. When I get home, I do all kinds of things, I have to prepare food and water for my child, pick me up… My mother is very hard, I have to help her support her, you know that?”. After that, I often ask her: “Do you love your mother?” and I replied very affectionately: “I love you the most, love you the most”. So I said if you love your mother, you need to help her. I never give money to my children to do housework, I want them to do it for their own sake, do it because they want to, just like the way I work, it always comes from the heart.

Vietnamese-born female billionaire lives in the US 800 billion palace, cooks rice to take care of her children, wakes up from 4:30 am to 15:00 pm

The beauty teaches her 2 sons discipline and helps with housework.

In the eyes of many people, Mimi Morris has a dream life, is both rich and well-loved by her husband and children. To have all of that, the female billionaire also strives to maintain the business in addition to taking care of the home.

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