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New corona virus detected in Sweden, “don’t know if it is dangerous to people”

“We have not yet identified what potential threat the Grimsö virus poses to public health. However, based on our previous observations of other coronaviruses reported in rats community, there is good reason to continue monitoring,” – Science Alert quoted virologist Åke Lundkvist from Uppsala University – Sweden.

The new corona virus Grimsö was identified in the body of Myodes glamolus, a species of red-backed hamster.

New corona virus detected in Sweden, not sure if it is dangerous to people - Photo 1.

Corona virus – Illustration from WHO

Of 450 wild red-backed hamsters collected from a site called West Grimsö Stockholm, up to 3.4% carried this new corona virus. The mouse collection site – Grimsö – is named for the new virus. There is currently no evidence that the Grimsö virus can be transmitted to humans.

Like bats and pangolins, many rodents, including hamsters, can carry viruses, some of which have the ability to “jump” to humans.

Coronaviruses are a very common family of viruses, including coronaviruses in animals and humans, and mostly cause minor problems. However, there are also some species that are dangerous, especially when they are just motivated to “jump” from animals to humans, of which the SARS-CoV-2 that causes the disease Covid-19 is an example.

Field mice are extremely common in Europe and are also responsible for spreading the Puumala virus, which causes Nephropathia hemorrhagic fever in humans and many other diseases.

Dr. Lundkvist said he and his colleagues are always monitoring epidemics in wild animals to better predict the likelihood of viruses that can transmit disease to humans. According to him, climate change and the rate at which the environment is destroyed will greatly increase the possibility of human interactions with hamsters and other wildlife in the future.

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