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Foreign student Cixi “catches the trend” to take pictures, but her expression and pose are stiff

Empress Dowager Cixi, or Empress Hieu Trang Hien of the Diep Hac Na La family, was the concubine of Emperor Ham Phong, the biological mother of Emperor Dong Tri and also the one who held the real power to rule during the period. end of the Qing Dynasty.

It can be said that, Cixi could not escape responsibility for the weakening of the Qing Dynasty, leading to the fact that 8 countries joined forces and caused Man Thanh to perish.

Empress Dowager Cixi is famous for her tyranny, likes to live in luxury and riches, and has a regal life unmatched by anyone.

The last period was also the period when Western culture was strongly imported into China. Accordingly, many modern technical technologies were also brought into the life of the Qing Dynasty, bringing about great changes and fluctuations. Camera and photography techniques are one of them.

With her passionate nature, Cixi will naturally be the leader in catching trends and experimenting with new things.

Tu Hi, a foreign student, loves to take pictures. Since discovering the uniqueness of photography techniques, she has always wanted to take pictures anytime, anywhere, ordering eunuchs and palace maids to arrange the background to enrich the variety of images. She even asked the concubines to take pictures with her to bring an interesting feeling, because after all, it would be boring if only she was in the frame.

“Catch the trend” is like that, but Tu Hi really doesn’t know how to pose for photos. As evidenced by the fact that most of the old pictures are still left, Cixi has only one expression, stiff as a real statue, even standing and sitting are only in the same style.

Cixi's foreign daughter

This is probably the usual sitting photo of Tu Hi. The background is presented very delicately and luxuriously, next to the seats, there is a beautifully arranged fruit plate. Cixi is elegantly dressed, her finger is very noble with fake nails, one hand is resting on the table, the other hand is stretched out in front of her. However, the expression on his face was a bit stiff, his eyes did not dare to look directly into the lens because he was new to the art of photography, so it was quite strange. The photographer probably told Cixi to smile, but she only dared to curl her lips a little because it was too awkward.

Cixi's foreign daughter

In this photo, Cixi chose a garden setting with white snow. She stood next to a large stone block, her hand resting on the stone, wearing a thick coat to avoid the cold, her eyes were already turned to the camera, but her face was still as stiff as before.

Cixi's foreign daughter

It is also the setting outside the winter snow-covered garden, but this time Cixi took a photo with a concubine, behind there was a eunuch standing behind an umbrella to prevent snowflakes from falling on the two masters.

At this point, Cixi really lost to the concubine standing next to her because she knew how to smile lightly, her face was much brighter. Meanwhile, Cixi still kept her inherent stiff face, not knowing if this was the seriousness of the powerful Empress Dowager or her ability to express herself in front of the camera had not yet improved.

Cixi's foreign daughter

In this photo, Tu Hi boldly raised her hand to create more innovation for the set of photos, but her expression remained unchanged.

Cixi's foreign daughter

Here, Tu Hi has arranged for the background to be the vast green bamboo forest, on both sides, two more pots of plants have been placed to increase the vitality. Cixi sat on a noble chair and took pictures with 4 young concubines. It can be seen that she is an extremely powerful and temperamental Empress Dowager. Of course, the facial expressions are still the same.

Cixi's foreign daughter

Still the scene of the green bamboo forest, Tu Hi switched to taking pictures with 4 Western princesses, the girl standing next to him could be the little princess of your country. A princess holding Cixi’s hand represents harmony.

At this point, if you compare the two pictures with the bamboo forest background, Tu Hi’s expression and sitting posture have not changed.

From that, it can be seen that, although she is very passionate about photography, if you look back at Cixi’s photos, it is not difficult to realize that, in addition to the context and the person taking the photo together, Cixi is always “as always. one”, his face was expressionless, and his sitting and standing posture were equally rigid.

Many people think that, for that time, taking pictures was a very new activity, so it was normal not to know how to pose in front of the camera. Accordingly, Cixi not knowing how to change her expression is completely understandable. Furthermore, for a person in power, smiling freely for a photo shoot can cause a loss of image and majesty.

(Source: Sohu) before-after-needs-provided-du-biet-20220320161545268.chn

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