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4 meaningful fairy tales for babies, mothers tell every night

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Smart way to calculate

One day, Emperor Akbar asked a strange question that shocked everyone. No one knows how to answer the king.

At that moment, Birbal, a mandarin who was considered the smartest person in the country, came in and asked the officials why they looked so worried. Officials told him that the emperor was asking a question that no one knew how to answer. Namely: “How many crows are there in the city?”.

After listening, he smiled and replied: “Your Majesty, I know the answer. There are 50,589 crows in the city.” Everyone was surprised by the answer, including the emperor, so the king asked him again: “Why are you so sure?”.

Birbal said, “Sir, send a soldier to count the crows in the city. If there are more crows than I said, it means their relatives are visiting elsewhere.

If something is missing, it means that some of them have gone to visit their relatives elsewhere.” Emperor Akbar was pleased with Birbal’s intelligent answer.

Meaning of the story: When you say something, you should have a clear explanation of why you are saying it.

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Hunter and Pigeon

Outside a certain village, there was a very large banyan tree. On the tree, various kinds of bird nests. And under the leaves, hikers often sit to rest after a long journey.

One day, a hunter came to this area and saw many birds in the trees. He tries to set traps for these birds, but a crow finds out and warns the other birds.

At this moment, there was a flock of pigeons flying nearby. They saw a lot of grain, so they dived to eat. Soon they were caught in the hunter’s net. Although very frightened, but the bird leader came up with a plan.

He said to the herd: “While the hunters have not returned, let us join forces to tear this net. Then someone will come out and seek help.”

The pigeons all agreed, working together to bite the net. When the net broke, the lead bird quickly flew away from the spot. He thought: “Now I have to fly to the mouse house to ask them to bite the net”.

Thinking of how to do that, he immediately flew over to the rat’s place to ask for help. Before long, a whole herd of rats came and bit into the torn net. Pigeons fly high into the sky.

Story meaning: Unity is an invincible force. To teach children about this noble meaning, parents must tell this story to their children often!

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Merchants and barbers

Once upon a time, there was a merchant who was very rich and kind. However, due to an unfortunate incident, he lost all his possessions and became poor. From then on, no one wanted to be friends with him anymore.

One day, he was sleeping and had a strange dream. In his dream, a man appeared in the clothes of a monk and said, “I am the wealth that your father and grandfather have accumulated.

Tomorrow, I will go to your house. Take a stick and hit my head to turn me into gold.”

The next day, his wife called the barber to cut his hair. At that time, a monk appeared and the merchant suddenly remembered his dream yesterday. He did exactly what the monk said in the dream and a miracle happened, the monk turned into gold. He collected gold and stored it carefully in his cupboard.

The cutter witnessed this whole strange process. He was very surprised and thought, “Maybe I should also bring some monks home and beat them on the head for gold.”

Thinking of doing so, he went to a nearby temple and brought home some monks, then hit them on the head with a stick. However, the gold was not visible, only the monks were seriously injured. Hearing the screams, local residents called the police and the barber was arrested.

Meaning of the story: Never follow others blindly for no reason.

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black sheep bleating

Once upon a time, there lived a scapegoat in a small house. Every spring, the black sheep shears its own wool and takes it to the market to sell to people who want to make warm clothes.

One year, the black sheep realized that no one liked black sheep’s wool anymore. Therefore, the amount of wool that remains is quite a lot. However, because they did not want to waste the fur, it was decided to resell it.

That day, no one wanted to buy the wool, so the scapegoat brought it home. The next day, it was sold again, but everything was the same as before. And the next day, the next day, the same thing.

One day, while the black sheep was sitting sadly with its wool, a boy ran up to him and asked if he would sell his wool. When asked, the scapegoat was very happy and answered yes.

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The boy ran to his parents to announce that there was a place to sell sheep’s wool. Together they went to the sheep and offered to buy all the wool. They said they were from the next village and had searched many places to buy black wool, but nothing was for sale.

That day, the sheep returned home and were very happy when their efforts were rewarded.

Meaning of the story: Strive, persevere and never give up, one day it will succeed.

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Good lesson from sentences fairytale

Most children love to hear stories. Telling stories to your little ones every night brings many benefits for children, making their childhood more colorful as well as interesting lessons.

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Fairy tales help children’s childhood more colorful, as well as many interesting lessons.

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