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Dad asked for fragrance but the 2-year-old girl refused because it was a private area

Children today are exposed to phones, iPads, electronic devices from a very early age, so they learn quite quickly, many children, even though they are young, have understood many problems, including adults. Modern life is more civilized, but it also requires parents to accumulate a lot of appropriate parenting skills and knowledge, so how to gently but effectively teach soft skills to children? little.

Especially for girls, learning knowledge early will bring a lot of benefits, they can be more proactive in responding to unexpected situations, especially when more and more cases in children take place. to make adults fearless. Understanding the importance of that, Ms. Thuy Phan (28 years old, currently living in Hanoi) and her husband decided to teach their children early.

Little girl Phuc Ngan (nicknamed Mango) is only 2 years old, but she has accumulated a lot of experience from how to react when she meets strangers, how to scream for help or where the private area is not to be touched. in… Many people are also surprised to see the clips of Mango because not everyone at this age can do the same.

Dad wants to kiss his cheek, daughter immediately refuses

Pedophilia can happen at any time, so equip your children with knowledge

Sharing more about her daughter, Ms. Thuy said that as a mother, she is very concerned about her child’s safety. “When I went online, I read cases related to child abduction, violence, pedophilia… and was really worried. So I think I need to equip my children with knowledge and teach them how to behave. handle situations to protect themselves when parents are not around.

In fact, not only girls but also boys need to be equipped with knowledge and skills about sex to protect themselves. “Pedophilia” happens to both boys, not just girls. Less rate does not mean none. So all children need to be taught these things by their parents as soon as possible. Dangers can come at any time. These knowledge and skills will help children understand themselves, respect their own bodies as well as those of others, and be able to avoid many bad risks.”the mother of one child confided.

Little girl reacts when a stranger touches her private area

8 rules to keep in mind when facing dangerous situations

According to Ms. Thuy, at home, the couple often teach Mango skills to protect themselves and limit bad situations such as:

No one is allowed to kiss my lips.

– Private parts of the body that no one can touch.

– Only let parents smell their cheeks, acquaintances and strangers are not allowed. (At my house, from the time the baby is born until the baby is almost 2 years old, no one is allowed to smell the baby’s lips or cheeks. Because there are quite a lot of bacteria in the mouth of an adult. But when the child is young, the resistance is not good, so it should be avoided. such close oral contacts). Parents are very addicted but also have to limit the aroma.

– Do not look at other people changing, bathing or going to the toilet… and vice versa when the child changes, takes a bath or goes to the toilet, no one can look, except for the mother or grandmother who helps the child.

– Do not accept candy from strangers, do not go with strangers.

– When a stranger tries to take you away, you have to push it away and scream loudly for people to come to your rescue.

– When you get lost, you just stand there so that we can find you, definitely don’t follow strangers. Even if strangers say they’re taking them to find their parents, they can’t go with them.

– When I want to eat something, I have to consult my parents. Parents agree that only children can eat.

The little girl met a stranger and the way she handled it made everyone compliment

“In addition, I also teach children motor skills, observation, and personal independence. Most of my children cooperate when their parents teach them. Every day, I talk and coo with them. Then check them out. check to see if your child remembers. Whenever you feel that your child is not interested, change the topic. Avoiding things that you don’t like but your parents still try to teach will create a bad psychology for your child. won’t be interested anymore.

My little one speaks early and his memory is also very good. What should parents teach, just say it once or twice, then the child can remember and repeat it. When I remember, my parents still repeat it often, so that I don’t forget those things. Nothing is a waste of time. Raising children is a miracle without expectations.”Thuy confirmed.

Little girl meets a stranger and reacts in surprise

It’s never too early to teach your kids

The mother of one child confided, Baby Mango is a pretty easy-going and lively girl. Ms. Thuy both takes care of her children and runs an online business, so it’s a bit difficult, but the mother and daughter together learn and play, from reading stories to playing smart toys such as wooden boards with colors, numbers, and shapes. .. Occasionally, Ms. Thuy will design more games for her children from simple items, or when the mother cooks rice or does housework, she will let her children participate in some suitable activities to develop life skills as well as help them develop their own skills. discipline, patience for children.

Her father asked for fragrance, but the 2-year-old girl refused because she insisted that it was a private area, knowing how the family educates everyone nods in respect - Photo 5.

Little nest of baby Mango.

“Some people think it’s too early to teach children these things, but I don’t think so. Many parents think their children are too young to understand, so they haven’t taught. Or are afraid to talk about sensitive issues. But the bad guys. We won’t forgive our children because they are young.At this age, children learn faster than we think.

From 0 to 6 years old, children are likened to sponges that absorb everything around them. So I think from 1 year old, parents can teach them these things. Just patiently repeating every day, gradually the baby will understand and remember. As Mango now remembers, knows how to apply and sometimes even teaches my parents. Every 2-3 days, I create a situation to remind my children of the lesson so that they do not forget.” Mother of 1 child shared. palace

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