
The “rotten vegetables” that are hot on the internet are shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious, as well as a long-standing remedy for bones and joints.

In addition to the specialties of the Northwest such as spinach, beef and vegetables, people are also very satisfied with rotten vegetables. As the name suggests, this vegetable has a characteristic strong smell that can be smelled from a distance. Many people, after “targeting the market” and tasting this vegetable, become “addicted” at any time.

The smell of rotten vegetables is initially strong and difficult to smell, but the crispy, fleshy and rich taste of vegetables makes even the most fastidious people fall in love with this vegetable of the Northwest mountains. I don’t know if it is growing between heaven and earth, absorbing every drop of night dew and drinking the morning sun of the Northwest mountains, but rotten vegetables have such a crispy taste?

Every season when rotten vegetables come, Ms. Hoang Hien, who lives in Yen Bai, is excited to share delicious dishes from her hometown’s specialty vegetables. Talking with us, she shared a lot of valuable information about wild vegetables that are “storming” on social networks in recent days.

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 1.

The scent makes people “run away”, the delicious taste pulls people back

If you ask 10 people, 9 people will say that rotten vegetables are difficult to smell. But there are also people who think that the smell of this vegetable is not so rotten, just as strong as a little bit of spinach. Smelling the smell of rotten vegetables, most people want to turn away. But when cooked, the taste is like “bewitching” all the senses of the person who enjoys it.

Rotten vegetables or spiny vegetables are also known by many other names. If the people below call it rotten vegetable or prickly vegetable, the Tay and Thai people call this vegetable Phac nam (Pac nam). There is a place also called “Phac monkey”. This name all comes from the “classic” rotten smell of vegetables.

But when you get used to smelling it, you won’t see the rotten smell anymore, just a little black. Just like people who are “addicted” to durian. The scent is only attractive, not “rotten”.

For people below, mentioning rotten vegetables is still confusing. But this is a familiar vegetable to the northern highland people. For example, in Lang Son, Son La, Tuyen Quang, … all popularize this wild vegetable when in season.

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 2.

The end of March is the time when the season of rotten vegetables begins and lasts until about July and August. The buds of rotten vegetables are not big and fat like many other vegetables. However, the green color that wraps each young leaf of the rotten vegetable encapsulates the essence of the mountains and forests in it.

Having long-term experience of “hunting” mountain products, Ms. Hien – “addict” to rotten vegetables shared that choosing delicious rotten vegetables only needs to choose fresh vegetables. Because when people pick and sell, they also pick the young part. The old leaves of rotten vegetables are very tough to eat, so people also avoid picking them.

Rotten vegetables have small leaves, are young, and fall easily, so people do not sell them by weight because they are very wasteful. On the market, people only sell rotten vegetables in bundles. The growth yield of rotten vegetables is also not great. Many buyers and sellers in the city are not enough supply and demand.

When picking up rotten vegetables, you need to be careful because the bud has small spines but is quite soft. Cut off the young tops. The rest is plucked back to get the leaves, similar to picking up spinach.

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 3.

Delicious recipe from rotten vegetables of Ms. Hoang Hien

As a fan of authentic rotten vegetables, Ms. Hien is not afraid to go to the kitchen to show off her signature dishes made from rotten vegetables when the season comes. Rotten vegetables can be stir-fried with many ingredients, such as eggs, bamboo shoots, bee pupae, ant eggs. In addition, rotten vegetables are also very delicious for making sausages and soups.

Hien confided, she likes to stir-fry rotten vegetables with bamboo shoots the most. With many years of experience, she said that these two vegetables are both crispy and fleshy. When stir-fried, the taste blends together deliciously, eating forever. Bamboo shoots for stir-frying with rotten vegetables are also very diverse, you can use bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots or sweet bamboo shoots.

Here are the delicious dishes when processing rotten vegetables of Ms. Hien.

Delicious dish 1: Rotten vegetables salad with dried pork belly

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 4.

How to make rotten vegetable salad with dried pork cassava: Rotten vegetables, boiled eggplant. Remove, drain and season with a little seasoning. Steamed dried pork. Tear and mix in last.

Delicious dish 2: Rotten pork tail vegetable soup

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 5.

How to cook pork tail rotten vegetable soup: Stew the pig’s tail until cooked. Wash the rotten vegetables, put them in the soup for about 3 or 5 minutes. Do not stew vegetables. When the vegetables are ripe, they will keep the fleshy taste, crunchy and the green color to flatter the eyes.

Delicious dish 3: Stir-fried rotten vegetables with bamboo shoots

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by locals with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 6.

How to make rotten vegetables stir-fried with bamboo shoots: Pick up the young tops of rotten vegetables and wash them. Bamboo shoots remove the outer leaves, chop or leave the whole tubers. Because bamboo shoots are small and young, they have a sweet taste when eaten in the right season. Sauté onion, add bamboo shoots and stir-fry. About 2 minutes, add rotten vegetables to the island, seasoning just enough.

Delicious dish 4: Stir-fried rotten vegetables with honey bee pupae

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, which is both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 7.

How to make stir-fried rotten vegetables with bee pupae: Wash vegetables and bee pupae. Sauté garlic, add vegetables and stir-fry. About a minute, add the bee pupa and stir-fry together. Season to taste. In addition to bee pupae, rotten vegetables fried with chicken eggs or ant eggs are also very delicious and strange.

Delicious dish 5: Rotten vegetables

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by locals with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 8.

How to make rotten vegetable rolls: Wash rotten vegetables, cut into about 1cm. Mix together minced meat and spices. Ladle into small pieces and deep fry.

Delicious dish 6: Rotten vegetables stuffed with grilled fish

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 9.

How to make grilled fish stuffed with rotten vegetables: Chop rotten vegetables. Mix chopped vegetables with seasoning. Then, put in the fish belly, rub well. Fold the fish in and bake.

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 10.

Hien shared that she also likes to cook rotten vegetable soup with fish eggs. Combined with different ingredients, rotten vegetables all give off a sweet, crunchy taste. This vegetable only needs to be seasoned with a little salt, cooked in its original form without the need to add many sophisticated seasonings. Originally, the vegetable grows from the mountains and forests, the pure delicious taste is created by itself. Rustic, delicious without topping with complicated condiments or sauces.

Rotten vegetables – The cure for bones and joints of the highland people

As a local specialty, Ms. Hien also proudly shares about the use of this smelly wild vegetable. Ignoring the initial smell does not win much sympathy, but it must be admitted that the taste of this vegetable is extremely delicious.

At home, people like to use rotten vegetables when in season. Because for the people here, rotten vegetables are also an effective remedy for bones and joints.

According to folklore, rotten vegetables have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying well. Therefore, this forest vegetable is not only a favorite dish of people in the highlands but also attractive to urban people. Especially in the summer, the consumption of rotten vegetables increases.

Delicious rotten vegetable dishes are easy to make and extremely nutritious. If you have a chance, don’t be afraid to enjoy specialties and experience your sense of smell with this vegetable.

Wishing the sisters success in making delicious dishes from rotten vegetables!


Ms. Hoang Hien – a child of Yen Bai land has a great passion for food. Especially mountain products. Ms. Hien sincerely shared, she feels lucky that her current job is related to the culture of the people. Thanks to that, she has more opportunities to return to the village and to her relatives to learn about life and culture, including cuisine – an area that Hien always feels happy and energetic when thinking about.

With many years of experience, Ms. Hien also buys a variety of products and introduces them to others with similar interests. Mostly, she is passionate about enjoying delicious dishes, specialties filled with mountain quintessence. And through that, I want to spread those beautiful things to everyone.

Thank you Ms. Hien for sharing your enthusiasm, simplicity and simplicity. Wish you always have a lot of health to conquer new roads, new villages to discover many delicious dishes, like the specialty of rotten vegetables that you have so enthusiastically shared.

The rotten vegetable that is hot on the internet is shared by natives with their experience of eating, both crispy and delicious and a long-lasting remedy for bones and joints - Photo 11. king-la-vi-thuc-sour-xuong-khop-lau-doi-20220414152232443.chn

According to Trieu Duong

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