Sức Khỏe

Baby girl sweating blood

Taking the history showed that, initially, she had bleeding 1-2 times/day, each time lost about 0.2 to 0.5 ml of blood, lasted about 10 seconds and stopped bleeding without any treatment. .

The frequency of bleeding and the amount of blood lost each time increases gradually. Besides, the baby often complains of dull abdominal pain, crying. The family took the baby to be examined at many hospitals but could not find the cause.

“All tests such as complete blood count, coagulation bilan, abdominal ultrasound and abdominal CT scan did not reveal any abnormalities,” said the father of the patient, who started in September 2021. .

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Baby girl and rare condition: “Blood sweat”. Photo: BVCC

Doctor CKI. Nguyen Thi Diem Trinh, Clinical Department 1, Ho Chi Minh City Hospital of Dermatology, said that through clinical examination and implementation of indications, the baby’s health was completely normal. At this time, the doctor thought of the phenomenon of “blood sweat”.

This is a phenomenon of unknown origin, but the world literature has recorded it to be related to factors of nervous tension, anxiety, fear, severe and prolonged stress. In the past 25 years, the world has only had about 25 cases.

Particularly for this patient, during the long period of social distancing due to the Covid-19 epidemic, he also experienced certain psychological disturbances. She expressed sadness, asking to sleep with her parents (even though she has been used to sleeping separately since the age of 5).

“For an objective assessment, we referred the baby to a psychiatrist, and was diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder in children,” informed doctor Nguyen Thi Diem Trinh.

The patient is then psychologically treated with sedatives and behavior modification. After 2 weeks, the condition improved. Children also interact more with friends. By the end of December 2021, the baby had completely stopped bleeding and the dull abdominal pain was no longer there.

Hematohidrosis is very rare. The clinical manifestation of this phenomenon is sweat secretion mixed with blood. In the light form, the sweat is pale pink, especially the forehead, back, abdomen… In the heavy form, the blood mixed with sweat flows on some areas of the body’s skin, may flow out from the face, orifice. nose, mouth… even tears have blood.

When stressed, it activates the sympathetic nervous system, dilating the blood vessel network around the sweat glands. If the blood vessels dilate to the extent that red blood cells can pass through the blood vessels and into the sweat glands, blood sweat occurs.

According to Dr. Trinh, the phenomenon of sweating blood is generally benign, transient and the disease may be self-limited. The most important thing is to detect and treat comorbidities, and reduce stress, anxiety, stress with medication or psychotherapy.

Linh Giao

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The first Vietnamese who sweated blood was cured

After 3 years of treatment, the first Vietnamese person who was diagnosed with the phenomenon of sweating blood has recovered from the disease.

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: vietnamnet.vn – Read the original article here

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