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How much money did Viet A “deduct %” from the contract for CDC Nam Dinh?

The results of the initial investigation related to this case at the Nam Dinh CDC, the Nam Dinh Provincial Police Investigation Agency determined: Joint Stock Company Viet A has “extracted %” outside the contract to appoint test kit contractor for CDC Nam Dinh with an amount of more than 3.13 billion VND and CDC staff in Nam Dinh has acted to appropriate the number of test kits of the State to “sell” to the company. Viet A to profit with the amount of 800 million.

As reported by the Online Public Security Bureau, on April 25, the Director of the Nam Dinh Provincial Police Department directed the Provincial Police Investigation Agency to carry out the execution of decisions to prosecute the case and prosecute the accused, at the same time. executed the arrest warrant for the suspect to temporarily hold and search the residence and workplace for 5 officials of the Center for Disease Control of Nam Dinh Province (Nam Dinh CDC) for the crimes. “Violation of regulations on bidding causes serious consequences” provided for in Article 222 and crime “Property embezzlement” prescribed in Article 353, Penal Code 2015 (amended and supplemented in 2017). The above decisions and orders have been approved by the Procuracy of the same level. The defendants include:

    Do Duc Luu, Director. Vu Ngoc Tuyen, Chief Accountant. Pham Thi Nga, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Supplies. Vu Khanh Van, Head of Business Planning Department. Vu Thi Ngoc Thanh, Deputy Head of Laboratory Department.

    How much money did Viet A deduct from the contract for Nam Dinh CDC?  - Photo 1.

    The investigation agency handed over the decision to Do Duc Luu – director of Nam Dinh CDC.

    How much money did Viet A deduct from the contract for Nam Dinh CDC?  - Photo 2.

    Do Duc Luu, director of the Nam Dinh CDC, listens to the investigation agency’s decision to prosecute the case and prosecute the accused.

Initial investigation results determined: In 2020, 2021, CDC Nam Dinh signed 5 contracts to buy test kits from Viet A Technology Joint Stock Company. Viet A Joint Stock Company has “extracted %” outside the contract to appoint test kit contractor for CDC Nam Dinh with the amount of 3,135,000,000 VND and CDC Nam Dinh staff has acted to appropriate the number of test kits of the State “selling them”. ” for Viet A company to make profit with the amount of 800,000,000 VND.

Initially, the accused confessed to the crime. The recovered material evidence is 1,255,000,000 VND. Currently, the case is being urgently investigated.

Some pictures of authorities conducting legal proceedings with the accused:

How much money did Viet A deduct from the contract for Nam Dinh CDC?  - Photo 3.

Pham Thi Nga listens to the police agency’s announcement of the decision to prosecute the case and prosecute the accused.

How much money did Viet A deduct from the contract for Nam Dinh CDC?  - Photo 4.

The police agency served the decision with Vu Ngoc Tuyen.

How much money did Viet A deduct from the contract for Nam Dinh CDC?  - Photo 5.

The Police Department communicates the decisions with Vu Khanh Van.

How much money did Viet A deduct from the contract for Nam Dinh CDC?  - Photo 6.

The police agency served the decision with Vu Thi Ngoc Thanh.

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