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Storms from the Sun are getting stronger, will people be affected?

On March 13, Radio Station from Da Lat (Lam Dong) and Phu Thuy (Hanoi) recorded a magnetic storm with a strength of 15521 nT in Da Lat and 141.92 nT in Hanoi. The magnetic storm started at 19:45 and ended at 15:24 on the same day.

Magnetic storm is a global phenomenon, occurs when a giant plasma beam escapes from the surface of the Sun into space, a part of that beam flies to Earth, covers the Earth, affects the Earth’s magnetic field causing strong disturbances.

Storms from the Sun are getting stronger, will people be affected?  - first

This year, magnetic storms began to accelerate, increasing in both intensity and number. (Photo: WPC)

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Duyen Chau, former director of the Institute of Geophysics, magnetic storms usually operate with an average cycle of 11 years. The 24th solar cycle ends in December 2019, when solar activity is the quietest of the cycle. After that, the 25th cycle of activity begins, which means that the Sun begins to become more active in a new cycle.

2022 is the year of acceleration of the 25th magnetic storm cycle. Compared to 2021, the number and intensity of storms from 2022 will increase with an estimated 60 magnetic storms appearing. Forecasts show that the maximum storm activity from the 25th cycle will occur in 2025, which means that in 3 years, magnetic storms will really explode.

For the years of strong magnetic storms, statistics show that the number and intensity of magnetic storms increase very strongly, up to 100-200 matches, even 300 matches. Extremely large magnetic storms, intensity G5, G4 also often appear at this time.

Impact on human health

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Duyen Chau, strong magnetic storms will affect human health, especially those with cardiovascular, neurological, and joint diseases because the heart, brain, and bones have cells that carry cells. magnetic, thus susceptible to magnetic storms.

A study in the US in 1966 showed that, when a strong magnetic storm appeared, the number of people dying from a heart attack was 50% higher than in days without a magnetic storm, the number of people having a heart attack increased by more than 20%. Many normal people also feel tired and headache these days.

According to PGS Chau, mild storms only have a small and transient impact on human health, and then return to normal. However, when strong magnetic storms appear, people with cardiovascular, brain, and joint diseases need to take precautions. On strong magnetic storm days, people with cardiovascular disease should avoid outdoor activities, drink enough 2 liters of water/day, have good nutrition. It is necessary to monitor your health, if you see signs of fainting, angina, reduced movement and reflexes, you need to go to a treatment facility.

Strong magnetic storms also have strong impacts on systems technology Like Earth’s artificial satellite system, telecommunications transmission systems affect cellular signals. In particular, they strongly affect high-voltage transmission line systems such as the 500 kV line in our country, causing large induced currents to flow through the transformer’s neutral wire, which can be harmful to operation. movements of the devices.

According to PGS Chau, when there is a strong magnetic storm, the Institute of Geophysics will make a public announcement. Interested persons can also consult other magnetic storm forecasting websites such as https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center. Country A (USA).

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