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The story of a happy marriage of an 18-year-old girl who gets married

From a grace that the girl married her husband in the village “famous for playing”

Couples who can accompany each other from when they have nothing in their hands to when they can relax with life and enjoy truly precious happiness.

30 years ago, Ms. Linh, 48 years old get on the flower car with a boy from a neighboring village. The groom she married is named Cuong, 6 years older than his wife.

At that time, the predestined relationship for brothers and sisters to come together was also a bit “rooted”. That love story was told by her daughter Vu Thao and received a lot of attention.

“My parents live near each other’s houses, but in different villages. My father’s village is the ‘most terrible’ in the region because the village boys have a reputation for playing, so the village girls don’t like them.

Grandmother has three sons, all three are older than her mother. At that time, my grandmother worked as a nurse at the station, so she once helped my grandfather to cure his illness, so the grandmother was almost indebted to her. The grandmother went to her grandmother’s house to see that her mother was the eldest sister, so diligent that she wanted one of her three sons to marry her.

At first, I didn’t think of marrying my father because he was the oldest of the three brothers, 6 years older than my mother, but in the end, all thoughts could not stop fate.” Thao said.

In those early 90s, Mr. Cuong was studying at a shipbuilding school and working in the city. Seeing that her mother said that, she quickly returned to her hometown to flirt with the beautiful Linh.

Thao recalls: “My mother was very pretty in the past, many boys from the village chased after her. At that time, when my father came back to flirt, my mother fell in love with educated people. Dad came back from school in the city, so I fell in love with her. Mother is the oldest child to take care of. The three children should leave school early. Maybe that’s why highly educated people always attract her. Therefore, even the richest man in the village flirting with her mother still insists on following her father.”

18 years old get married, the woman experiences

At that time, because he was afraid of losing the beautiful Miss Linh, he was afraid of losing, after only 2 months of going back and forth, Mr. Cuong was determined to ask to marry him. In those days, the family was still poor and had no conditions, so everything was organized simply. On the happy day, the bride and groom also have wedding dresses, vests and photos. Until now, those photos are still precious, preserving a time full of memories of the couple.

Married to a neighboring village, Linh started her married life at the age of 18. In those days, the family sometimes had conflicts about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. However, her mother-in-law is also a person who loves her children and grandchildren. Linh has a gentle personality, so gradually, the two sides get along with each other.

“Until now, grandma loves her mother very much. Everywhere she goes, she compliments her daughter-in-law.” Thao shared.

Photos from a wedding held in 1992.

After 3 years of marriage, they had their first son. However, life did not get better, they decided to leave their hometown and go to the street to start a business.

From two empty hands that make a fortune

Those years, their life was really difficult and it all started with nothing. Mr. Cuong worked as a plumber and worked as a builder for people. Linh does all kinds of jobs, from street vendors to workers in the work area.

They always strive every day, striving little by little to take care of life. They clearly understand that, from empty hands, to have food to eat, to let their children be comfortable with life, they must constantly try themselves.

Thao continued: “For 7 years, my parents worked hard until 2001, my mother became pregnant with me and that same year, my father had a traffic accident and was hospitalized.

It was the most difficult, most challenging year with my parents’ marriage. She was sick and could not help her mother, and she had to go to work until the 8th month of pregnancy. In those days, despite being pregnant, both mother and child weighed only 38kg. When I gave birth, my parents were so poor that I gave birth in the morning and rented a cyclo to come back in the afternoon to help pay for hospital fees.

18 years old get married, the woman experiences

There are many challenges posed in our lives. For you and your wife, that was probably the most difficult year, the most things to go through. But even so, they still constantly urge and encourage each other to try to move forward.

“I think, every life has a challenging period. To my parents, those challenges seem to last more than 10 years after officially moving into the same house.

Later, my father accumulated money, opened a workshop selling paving stones. The economy also goes up from there. Parents begin to have great achievements in life. In 2007, my parents built a big house, in 2008 bought a car and so on, the whole family’s life gradually changed. Thao said.

18 years old get married, the woman experiences

Everything her parents have now, Thao is very respectful of and above all, her parents are like an example for her to look at to strive and aspire to.

“Thirty years together, parents are always affectionate. Their personalities compensate for each other. Dad is hot-tempered but doesn’t stay angry for long, and mom handles situations very cleverly and patiently. Dad has been very affectionate since then. I am aware that until now every year, my father has flowers and gifts for my mother on holidays or birthdays. There are years when my father is busy with work until 11 o’clock at night, when he comes home, he still has to buy a bouquet of roses for his mother. The day is not over yet, Dad still has time to congratulate Mom.”

18 years old get married, the woman experiences

Linh shows the flowers her husband gave her on the holiday.

By now, they have gone through enough hardships in life. The ups and downs have passed, their achievements now are enough to make themselves and their children proud.

Thao’s parents are about to retire now. A lifetime of working is also a time to enjoy. They started traveling together, both at home and abroad.

“No matter what difficulties my parents hold hands and walk through. I think that with marriage, that cooperation is extremely important. I don’t wish for luxury, I just hope that my life will also be sincere. and happy like parents for each other”.

The couple started traveling journeys to enjoy after many years of striving.

That said, there are life stories that seem to be very real and ordinary, but behind them are extraordinary admirable efforts. Congratulations on the wonderful marriage of Ms. Linh, Mr. Cuong. From them, people realize that, if they are predestined, there will be fate, “if the husband and wife agree to slap the East basin, it will also dry”! Khi-chinang-38kg-va-co-ngoi-dang-tu-hao-sau-30-nam-cung-phandau-20220426182901149.chn

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